Intertops Promocije

  • #143849

    Evo jedne iz koje se da profitirati. Promo baner je na stranici Intertopsa

    Claim your €100 Final Four Free Bet!

    – Okrenite ukupno 1000$ na NBA Final four tekme koje se igraju 31.03.2012 na minimalan koeficijent 1.60 ili viši i već 03.04.’12 zatražite putem email-a na [email protected] svojih 100€
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    – Dodijeljeni Free Bet od 100€ morate odigrati u roku do 30 dana na bilo koje koeficijente i sportove. Kako bi isplata bila moguća potrebno je ispuniti Rollover koji se odigrava prema pravilu 2.13 a iznosi free bet x 16 puta na bilo koji koeficijent, može i 1.01
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    Final Four (excluding live bets) and claim your $100 Free Bet after the tournament!

    It doesn’t matter if your bets win or lose, simply follow your hunches and claim your $100 gift! Claim your $100 Final Four Free Bet after April 3rd 2012, 8:00 a.m. EST via e-mail to [email protected] (Subject: “$100 Final Four Free Bet”).

    Please read the small print: The USD 100 free bet must be completely wagered within 30 days. Rule 2.13. applies. Only one free bet per customer can be requested. Live bets are excluded from this promotion. The free bet tokens will be credited to customer accounts within 48 hours.