Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » Paddy Power Free Bet » Odg: Paddy Power Free Bet
Bonus Majstor3. svibnja 2012. u 11:38 #144629Za dobivanje free beta potrebno je…..tako kaže live podrška, jer nisam uspio naći nigdje free bet ponudu
“In order to qualify for a free bet it is essential that you register through a specific affiliate link. The free bet will then be automatically added to your account. I have reviewed your account and there is no link attached to your account. Can you please reply with the details of the offer you have seen so we can assist you further.”
nakon malo razgovora došli smo do slijedećeg
“thank you, the offer available to you is a match up to 50 free bet offer, once you place a bet up to the value of 50, you will get a free bet for the same amount up to the value of 50, you must place this bet on odds 1/2 or greater and it is based on your first confirmed bet. Apologies this has not been added to your account yet, i will need you to contact the live help again once your bet has been placed so we can add your free bet. ”
eto, ako neko zapne možda ovo malo pomogne 🙂