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Administrator13. rujna 2012. u 22:19 #146385777BETS FREE BET 1OGBP/12.50€ ZA NOVE KORISNIKE
777bets još jedna dobra kladionica koja je u vlasništvu jake i poznate Jenningsbet engleske kladionice. Nažalost uspjeli smo isposlovati free bet samo za igrače iz HRV. Kako bi dobili free bet nakon završene prve oklade potrebno je pslati email sa korisničkim imenom na adresu:
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- Offer is available to new customers only and is open to United Kingdom, Croatia & Philippines residents only.
- To Qualify, place 1 bet of £10 or more at odds of evens or greater. Once your bet has been settled email [email protected] with your username and we will issue you with your free bet voucher.
- Free bet will only be issued once your qualifying bet has been settled.
- On receipt of email stating your username we will credit your account with your free bet within 48 hours.
- Free bet is valid for 30 days after issue, if left unused after this time it will become invalid.
- Free bet applies to Sportsbook markets only.
- Free bet stakes are not included in returns and is non-withdrawable.
- Free bet cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
- One free bet per customer only. If a customer opens a duplicate account then we reserve the right to close the account and make any bets placed void.
- The free bet offer is limited to one per person, household, IP address, ISP network, email address, telephone number, same payment account (e.g debit or credit card, Neteller, Skrill etc) and shared computer, e.g. university, public library, workplace.
- Non-runners/Voids do not qualify as valid bets. If any bet is a non-runner/void you will not be eligible for a free bet.
- If your free bet is placed on a non-runner then the bet will be made void and the stakes returned to your free balance.
- reserves the right to withhold any free bets if believed that the offer has been abused and/or where the terms of the offer are not fulfilled or any irregular betting patterns are found. decision is final.
- reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time, for whatever reason and without prior notice.
- reserves the right to alter these Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice.
- The opening account offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, however if you have placed more than 10 bets at evens or greater your account will be credited with the free bet.
Uvjeti za nagradnu igru CROATIA PROMO 777
- CROATIA PROMO 777 (“the Promotion”) runs from 30th August 12 12:00AM until 30th September 12 11:59AM (GMT+8) (“the Promotion Period”).
- To be eligible for this promotion, players (“the players”) must be the residence from Croatia & must register via English website with GBP/EUR indicated as the currency within the Promotion Period.
- The deposits made for the purpose of the Promotion are subject to a 3 times rollover wagering requirements on all products within the Promotion Period before withdrawals can be made. Games that do not contribute towards wagering are Table Games eg, Blackjack, Roulette and Video Poker.
- The choices of the Airlines tickets and Hotel room are strictly by the sole discretion of
- The prize for the Promotion is only for Two (02) returned air-tickets & One (01) hotel room accommodation only & does not include any travelling expense to the hotel.
- This promotion is limited to one per person, household, IP address, ISP network, email address, telephone number, same payment account (e.g. debit or credit card, Neteller, Skrill etc) and shared computer, e.g. university, public library, workplace.
- will take all appropriate legal actions against all players who abuse this promotion in any way as deemed unlawful in all jurisdictions. The decision of is final.
- reserves the right to withdraw or amend this promotion at any time, without prior notice.
Bonus Majstor13. rujna 2012. u 23:53 #146386ajmoooo
koliko treba uplatit u eurima 12.50 ili 13 eu? -
Administrator14. rujna 2012. u 1:11 #146388ajmoooo
koliko treba uplatit u eurima 12.50 ili 13 eu?Najbolje je da uplatiš u funtama jer je 10 funti oko 12,5 €. Ak uplacujes u € uplati i odigraj 13 €
Bonus Majstor14. rujna 2012. u 11:34 #146391Uplatili frebet sat nakon tekme.ty
Bonus Majstor17. rujna 2012. u 17:40 #146426U uvjete ubacili točku 17 koja kaže da free bet ne vrijedi za uplate putem moneybookersa. Netellera…
Opet smo ih napali! Na drugi računa ću uplatit master card karticom -
Gost24. rujna 2012. u 14:12 #146491
Lijepi pozdrav stovanim kolegama..koje ujedno molim za pomoc po pitanju ovog freebeta;naime,uplatil 13 eurica,odigral isti iznos i naravno izubil,poslal email i ubrzo od njih dobil mail slijedeceg sadrzaja:
“Thank you for your email. Your freebet will be allocated to your account within the next 2 hours.
Please read the instructions below detailing how to use your free bet.
1. Make one selection from one of our many sportsbook markets, ensuring that the price is evens or greater.
2. Refer to your betslip, where you will see the single selection displayed.
3. Input the value of the free bet in the stake box.
4. Tick the box next to the free bet offer displayed near the bottom of the betslip.
5. Click on “Place Bet” and on the next screen click on “Confirm”.
6. Check your balance and your account history to ensure the bet has been placed correctly. If there are any problems, you must contact support immediately.Kind regards,
Support RepresentativeE sad..kak se aktivira taj freebet,jer na racunu je balance 0.00,a kad u onu kucicu pod voucher upisem broj koji mi je u naslovu istog maila,ispise mi da je voucher molim kojeg kolegu koji ima iskustva s odigravanjem ovog freebeta da mi malo pojasni gde se isti i vidi,ili gde kaj pipnuti,tipnuti da se on i prikaze.
Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru,te vas sve skupa lijepo pozdravljam..
Bonus Majstor24. rujna 2012. u 14:21 #146493Imao sam jedan ovakav slucaj u jednim od kladionica, kladis se sa free betom, dakle kad odaberes par ozncis kvadratic na kojem pise da zelis se kladiti s free betom i potvrdis. Tako je meni bilo u drugoj kladionici… mislim da je isti princip
Gost24. rujna 2012. u 14:37 #146495
Kolega Atlantik,puno Vam hvala na brzom odgovoru a naravno i na pomoci;izgleda da je rijec upravo o postupku koji ste sad samo isprobano,bez cofirma oklade,i evo za sve buduce igrace ovog freebeta:dakle,nakon odabira dogadjaja otvara se normalni prozor za sklapanje oklade,pa nakon upisa iznosa oklade treba oznaciti prazan kvadratic ispod,pa zakljuciti okladu..javim jos kasnije jel je ovaj postupak skroz ispravan,cim odaberem povoljnu okladu.
Kolega Atlantik,zahvaljujem jos jednom,te..sretno ii..berićetno 😉 !
Bonus Majstor24. rujna 2012. u 14:39 #146497to je to, sretno 🙂
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.