Allyoubet 50 euro free bet za Euro kupove

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  • #143379

    UKRATKO TREBA odigrat 3 puta po 5 parova na listću i dobiva se 4 oklada besplatno

    Love is in the air at AllYouBet and we want to spread the love to you!
    How do I get some love?
    Place three 5-fold combos (multiple bets) on any sports event during February, and get a no-lose guarantee on your fourth combo bet. If you lose, we’ll refund you up to £/€/$50!

    With heart-pounding odds and sizzling selections, can you feel the love yet?
    Not a member of AllYouBet yet? JOIN NOW
    Terms & Conditions

    This offer is valid from 1st February – 29th February, 2012.
    Qualifying combo bets must consist of 5 folds and a minimum stake of 10 credits per bet.
    Only combo bets with accumulative odds of 2.00 or higher (per multiple bet) qualify for this promotion.
    If your fourth 5-fold combination bet loses, we will refund the value of that bet up to £/€/$50.
    You may win up to a total of £/€/$200 throughout the entire promotion period.
    In order to withdraw the bonus, customers must roll over the bonus amount twice on any sports bet offering odds of 2.00 or higher.
    Crediting will take place every Monday throughout the promotion period.
    Only straight pre-match combo bets on the full time result count for this promotion.
    If any selection is postponed or void, the promotion is deemed to be canceled and does not apply to the relevant combo bet.
    Only one account per person, household, IP, email address or credit card can participate in this promotion.
    AllYouBet reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion.
    AllYouBet reserves general terms and conditions and Betting Rules apply to this promotion

  • #143380

    Kome se da može odigrati jer se može zaraditi, nakon što odigraš 3 listića (5 parova) na 4. listić ako izgubiš dobijaš povrat do 50€. Nakon toga istu radnju možeš ponoviti još tri puta jer je povrat do 200€.

    UKRATKO TREBA odigrat 3 puta po 5 parova na listću i dobiva se 4 oklada besplatno

    Love is in the air at AllYouBet and we want to spread the love to you!
    How do I get some love?
    Place three 5-fold combos (multiple bets) on any sports event during February, and get a no-lose guarantee on your fourth combo bet. If you lose, we’ll refund you up to £/€/$50!

    With heart-pounding odds and sizzling selections, can you feel the love yet?
    Not a member of AllYouBet yet? JOIN NOW
    Terms & Conditions

    This offer is valid from 1st February – 29th February, 2012.
    Qualifying combo bets must consist of 5 folds and a minimum stake of 10 credits per bet.
    Only combo bets with accumulative odds of 2.00 or higher (per multiple bet) qualify for this promotion.
    If your fourth 5-fold combination bet loses, we will refund the value of that bet up to £/€/$50.
    You may win up to a total of £/€/$200 throughout the entire promotion period.
    In order to withdraw the bonus, customers must roll over the bonus amount twice on any sports bet offering odds of 2.00 or higher.
    Crediting will take place every Monday throughout the promotion period.
    Only straight pre-match combo bets on the full time result count for this promotion.
    If any selection is postponed or void, the promotion is deemed to be canceled and does not apply to the relevant combo bet.
    Only one account per person, household, IP, email address or credit card can participate in this promotion.
    AllYouBet reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion.
    AllYouBet reserves general terms and conditions and Betting Rules apply to this promotion

  • #143381

    vrijeme je svuda u banani..prije oklade provjeri vremensku prognozu jer ako ti utakmica bude odgiđena radi lošeg vremena stornirati će ti par. ja čeprkam po španjolskim ligama.tamo je ok vrijeme

    UKRATKO TREBA odigrat 3 puta po 5 parova na listću i dobiva se 4 oklada besplatno

  • #143529

    nova promocija

    Think you know who’s going to make it to the last stages of the “Champion’s League” or “Europa League”? Put your betting expertise to the test and you could earn £/€/$50 back on Live Betting on the same match!
    How does it work?
    Place a pre-match exact score bet, then bet live on the same match. If your first “Live Bet” loses, AllYouBet will refund your stake to the value of your first pre-match exact score bet!
    Not a member of AllYouBet yet? JOIN NOW
    Terms & Conditions

    This offer is valid from 6th March – 6th April, 2012.
    Exact score bets of £/€/$10 with odds of 2.00 or greater are eligible.
    If your first live bet loses, we will refund your stake up to the value of your exact score bet. Maximum refund is £/€/$50 per matchday. Total refund per player is £/€/$200 throughout the entire promotional period.
    In order to withdraw the refunded credits (bonus), punters must roll over the refunded amount twice on any sports bet offering odds of 2.00 or greater.
    Crediting will take place every Monday throughout the promotion period.
    Duplicate bets do not count towards this promotion.
    If the match is postponed, your bets will be automatically cancelled.
    Only one account per person, household, IP, email address or credit card can participate in this promotion.
    This promotion is not in conjunction with any other promotion or bonus offer.
    AllYouBet reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion.
    AllYouBet reserves general terms and conditions and Betting Rules apply to this promotion.

  • #143530

    Dobro si to našao.
    Koeficijenti na correct score im nisu nešto i koliko sada vidim gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj bi mogao biti i do 10€, ali iz 50€ na Live betu opet bi se trebalo izvući 30-ak eura, dakle bar 20€ bi trebao biti profit po utakmici.

    nova promocija

    Think you know who’s going to make it to the last stages of the “Champion’s League” or “Europa League”? Put your betting expertise to the test and you could earn £/€/$50 back on Live Betting on the same match!
    How does it work?
    Place a pre-match exact score bet, then bet live on the same match. If your first “Live Bet” loses, AllYouBet will refund your stake to the value of your first pre-match exact score bet!

  • #143532

    ja sam mislio stavit 50€ na točan rezutat, a na live klađenje 10€ s time da ako sam dobro skužio i jedna i druga oklada trebaju biti gubitne da se dobije povrat novca.

  • #143534

    Samo druga (live bet) oklada ti mora biti gubitna.
    Prva oklada je kvalifikacijska da bi uopće imao pravo sudjelovati u promociji.
    po meni trebalo bi uplatiti okladu na točan rezultat i kontrirati je na Betfairu. Ovdje se prema trenutnim tečajevima na okladu od 50 gubi 10-ak eura.
    Zatim uplatiš live okladu kad utakmica počne i kontriraš je kao free bet. Da bi nadokanadio gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj i zaradio nešto na live okladi trebalo bi uplatiti svih 50€. Ako uplatiš samo 10€ nećeš uspjeti nadoknaditi niti gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj okladi. Osim naravno ako uplatiš okladu bez kontre i pogodiš.

    Sve u svemu meni se ne čini kao loša ponuda iako nije ni spektakularna. Jedini je problem što moraš biti za kompjuterom za vrijeme utakmice.

    ja sam mislio stavit 50€ na točan rezutat, a na live klađenje 10€ s time da ako sam dobro skužio i jedna i druga oklada trebaju biti gubitne da se dobije povrat novca.

  • #143555

    Samo druga (live bet) oklada ti mora biti gubitna.
    Prva oklada je kvalifikacijska da bi uopće imao pravo sudjelovati u promociji.
    po meni trebalo bi uplatiti okladu na točan rezultat i kontrirati je na Betfairu. Ovdje se prema trenutnim tečajevima na okladu od 50 gubi 10-ak eura.
    Zatim uplatiš live okladu kad utakmica počne i kontriraš je kao free bet. Da bi nadokanadio gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj i zaradio nešto na live okladi trebalo bi uplatiti svih 50€. Ako uplatiš samo 10€ nećeš uspjeti nadoknaditi niti gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj okladi. Osim naravno ako uplatiš okladu bez kontre i pogodiš.

    Sve u svemu meni se ne čini kao loša ponuda iako nije ni spektakularna. Jedini je problem što moraš biti za kompjuterom za vrijeme utakmice.

    ja sam mislio stavit 50€ na točan rezutat, a na live klađenje 10€ s time da ako sam dobro skužio i jedna i druga oklada trebaju biti gubitne da se dobije povrat novca.

  • #143633

    Ova akcija vrijedi i za ovotjedne utakmice. Iako koeficijenti nisu nešto naročito ja sam prošli tjedan uz malo sreće uspio izvući 30-ak eura iz ove ponude.
    Naročito se isplati igrati ako razigravate rollover bonusa dobrodošlice jer vam se oklade uplaćene u ovoj akciji računaju normalno u rollover. Normalno, ako su na koeficijent iznad 2,0.
    Problem je što za ovo treba imati poprilično novaca na Betfairu, ali u slučaju da imate trebalo bi biti isplativo.
    Trenutno je za večerašnje utakmice najmanji gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj okladi 3-0 na Bayern – Basel sa 6,45 na Allyoubetu i 8,0 na lay na Betfairu.

  • #143674

    Ova akcija vrijedi i za ovotjedne utakmice. Iako koeficijenti nisu nešto naročito ja sam prošli tjedan uz malo sreće uspio izvući 30-ak eura iz ove ponude.
    Naročito se isplati igrati ako razigravate rollover bonusa dobrodošlice jer vam se oklade uplaćene u ovoj akciji računaju normalno u rollover. Normalno, ako su na koeficijent iznad 2,0.
    Problem je što za ovo treba imati poprilično novaca na Betfairu, ali u slučaju da imate trebalo bi biti isplativo.
    Trenutno je za večerašnje utakmice najmanji gubitak na kvalifikacijskoj okladi 3-0 na Bayern – Basel sa 6,45 na Allyoubetu i 8,0 na lay na Betfairu.

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