Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » Digibet Bonus
BonusmaniacAdministrator6. prosinca 2017. u 9:55 #165619
DIGIBET – Starija kaldionica, nedavno redizajnirana, bonus povišen na 200 eura
Ako je kojim slučajem netko igrao u zadnje vrijeme molio bih ga da ostavi ovdje svoja iskustva…
digiBet offers the following bonus scheme called “Welcome Bonus”.
I General
digiBet offers to all new customers a welcome bonus of up to 200 euros on the first deposit.
New customers are customers who have never been registered with digiBet or who had a betting account at digiBet prior to the 01.11.2016 but have not re-registered after the change of the bettingsoftware.
In order to receive the betting bonus, a deposit by the new customer must be made to his betting account after registration. In the same amount (maximum 200 Euros) of this first deposit, the bonus is granted. Further deposits are not included in the bonus.
The bonus will be credited to the new customer on a separate bonus account as a fictitious amount separately in addition to his real money betting account.
II Wagering Requirements
Winnings obtained with the bonus amount can only be withdrawn as real money on the following conditions:
The customer must use the deposit amount at least one time (partial amounts possible) for one or more sports bets from the offer at
The bonus amount must also be used for one or more sports bets from the offer at, at least 5 times to the minimum combination odd of 2,0 and a minimum single odd of 1,3 as bet (partial amounts also possible).
The wager have to be placed within 30 days of the date of registration.
Canceled bets or invalidated betslips in the Bonus Account are not considered as wagered and must be used again.
All bets on the bonus betting account must be completed and evaluated.
If the bonus amount has been used in accordance with the above conditions, the profit earned on the bonus account is subsequently credited to the real money betting account up to the maximum amount of credit.
III. Additional Conditions
The bonuses the player may be eligible for vary according to the residence of the player on registration. The customer sees the currently valid bonus conditions at the time of the registration on the registration page and must confirm separately that they have read and accepted the bonus terms and conditions.
If already registered customers register again at or if a customer registers multiple times, digibet reserves the right to cancel a given betting bonus and the resulting winnings. The registration of multiple accounts is prohibited and only one account per player is allowed.
If a customer tries to register multiple times with the entry of incorrect data to bypass the company�s checks on multiple accounts, the corresponding betting accounts will be blocked. This also applies in the event there is probable cause of fraudulent exploitation.
The betting bonus Euro is valid for new customers defined in I. General of these t&c until further notice.
digiBet reserves the right to modify the bonus action without prior notice or terminate it prematurely.
If the bonus has not been used within 3 months after registration, it will be debited from the account without further notice.
These Terms and Conditions have been prepared in other languages other than the Enlish language for reference only. In the event of any differences between the English version of these Terms and Conditions and any non-English the English version shall prevail.
In addition, the terms and conditions as well as the general terms and conditions of business of digibet Ltd. apply.
Version Number: V.1.0 Malta, 19.10.2017
If you have any questions concerning the bonus, please contact us at [email protected] or by phone at +49 3221 100 1501. -
ivankoBonus Majstor6. prosinca 2017. u 14:50 #165621
Mislim da ti već postoji tema digibet. Inače, registrirati se može samo iz njemačke, austrije, švicarske i bosne. Kako je bosna tu uletjela, ne znam. 🙂
gogieBonus Majstor9. prosinca 2017. u 17:22 #165628
Može li itko iz ovih t&c zaključiti jel li vrijeme za okretanje bonusa 30 dana ili 3 mjeseca ? Meni nejasno…
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.