Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » GR88 – Bonus
BonusmaniacAdministrator5. svibnja 2012. u 20:01 #144696
Pozdrav ekipo, evo još jedne oddsmatrixove klade koja nam je dobro poznata!
Malo o njoj:GR88 na internetu od 2009.
Moto: We want to be the GR88est
Vlasništvo:Olympian Trading Limited koja surađuje sa Every Matrix društvom.
Bonus: GR88 će svoje nove korisnike nagraditi 88% bonusom do 88€.
Ponuda: OK – sportski događaji
Podrška: vrlo profesionalna (Live Chat i email).
Minimalna uplata-isplata: 10€
isplate??: uredne, na njih se čeka od svega par sati pa do 48h ovisno o načinu depozita.
Isplate na moneybookers ili banku obavljaju se u roku od 12 do 48 sati.DODATNE PROMOCIJE: Uz bonus za nove korisnike postojeći mogu dobiti i 10% Reload Bonus do 100$/€/£ na sliedeći depozit s kodom ’10RELOAD’
– Casino Bonus
– Poker BonusUvjeti bonusa (najbitnije):
- Za bonus u iznosu do 88€ potrebno je prilikom depozita upisati kod: ’88-GR88′
- Iznos bonusa će se pridodati vašem računu nakon izvršenog prvog depozita, minimalni iznos prvog depozita je 20€
- U ispunjavanje bonus uvjeta – rollover računaju se sve pojedinačne oklade uključujući oklade u živo, osim oklada na konjske utrke. Kako bi isplata bila moguća potrebno je okrenuti iznos depozita i bonusa 12 puta na koeficijent 1.50 ili viši. U rollover se računaju samo oklade u iznosu do 100€, a rok za ispunjenje uvjeta je 30 dana od dana registracije.
Uvjeti bonusa EN:
We want to give you a GR88 experience. Open your account today and you get an 88% bonus up to $/€/£88 FREE by using the bonus code ’88-GR88′ when making your initial deposit!
Hide Terms & Conditions
Bonus Terms & Conditions- Players receive up to $88 bonus cash with this 88% deposit bonus (or equivalent currency. Example $25 or €25)
- This bonus is only available for new sports customers and only can be used once
- Minimum initial deposit of $20 and maximum deposit of $100 (or equivalent currency. Example $25 or ?25)
- You must enter the bonus code 88-GR88 at the time of deposit to receive the bonus
- 12 times wager requirement on deposit+bonus must be met before a withdrawal can be made.
- This bonus is not available to players from the following countries: Portugal, Serbia, United Kingdom, United States
- Only wagers up to $100 with minimum odds of 1.5 / -200 or higher will contribute towards the rollover requirement
- Multiple bets or bets placed on the same event will not count towards the wagering requirement.
- Horse racing bets may NOT be used within this promotion whatsoever.
- You have 30 days from the time the bonus is awarded to meet the wager requirements. If the wager requirements are not met, the bonus and any winnings generated from the bonus will be removed.
- The sportsbook reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion. We reserve the right to cancel this bonus or to change the terms and conditions of this promotion at any time and it is your responsibility to periodically check for changes and updates.
- Offers are intended for recreational players and we may in our sole discretion limit the eligibility of customers to participate in all or part of any promotion.
- Only one bonus per customer, household, or computer with a shared IP is allowed.
- Apart from the above mentioned Terms and Conditions, this offer is subject to the General Terms and Conditions.
- GR88 Management decisions are final.
arbitrazerBonus Majstor6. srpnja 2012. u 2:11 #145645
Pozdrav kolege,
Zanimaju me Vaša iskustva sa ovom kladom, i sa koliko Eurića zarade se može računati od ovoga bonusa?
BonusmaniacAdministrator6. srpnja 2012. u 11:58 #145646
Pozdrav kolege,
Zanimaju me Vaša iskustva sa ovom kladom, i sa koliko Eurića zarade se može računati od ovoga bonusa?
Dalo se izvući ali taj bonus više ne vrijedi
> NOVO – GR88 20€/$ FREE BET ZA NOVE KORISNIKEKlada je klasična oddsmatrix priča, isplate OK, kvote prosječne. Ovaj free bet je klasičan free bet “stake not returned”. Promo nije loša jer je mali rollover na dobitak iz free beta.
Prilikom pravjenja provg depozta treba upisati kod: ‘FREEBET20’
Po novom VRIJEDI i za ekipu iz Srbije!Bonus Terms & Conditions
- This bonus is only available for new customers, and can only be used once
- A minimum initial deposit of €$£20 must be made to be eligible for the €$£20 free bet.
- A minimum bet of €$£20 must be placed and lost to be eligible for the €$£20 freebet.
- You must enter the bonus code “FREEBET20” at the time of deposit to receive the freebet
- Once awarded the freebet, you get to place 1 freebet only.
- If you win with your free bet, you only keep the winnings. The €$£20 freebet amount is returned to the sportsbook and will disappear from your betting slip.
- All winnings from the freebet are placed in your bonus balance and are subject to a 3 times wager requirement before a withdrawal can be made.
- Only wagers with minimum odds of 1.5 will contribute towards the rollover requirement of the freebet winnings.
- Multiple bets or bets placed on the same event will not count towards the wagering requirement.
- Horse racing bets may NOT be used within this promotion whatsoever.
- This bonus is no only available to players from the following countries: Bulgaria,Latvia,Lithuania,Romania,United States
- No withdraw can be made from your sportsbook account until the bonus terms and conditions are fulfilled.
- You have 60 days from the time the bonus is awarded to meet the wager requirements. If the wager requirements are not met, the bonus and any winnings generated from the bonus will be removed.
- The sportsbook reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion. We reserve the right to cancel this bonus or to change the terms and conditions of this promotion at any time and it is your responsibility to periodically check for changes and updates.
- Offers are intended for recreational players and we may in our sole discretion limit the eligibility of customers to participate in all or part of any promotion.
- Only one bonus per customer, household, or computer with a shared IP
dudyBonus Majstor30. kolovoza 2012. u 12:10 #146220
:- Lova sjela na skrill za 7h bez id verifikacije
BonusmaniacAdministrator31. kolovoza 2012. u 13:47 #146227
Uz trenutni free bet 20€ U stalnoj ponudi gr88 ima i 10% reload bonus do 100€
Roll – isplata 2x depozit i bonus
Može se ići sa manjim depozitima utz veliki underlay
Prilikom depozita treba unijeti kod: ’10RELOAD’
Bonus Terms & Conditions
- Next time you deposit get up $/?�/�100 FREE by using code 10RELOAD
- Players receive up to $100 bonus cash with this 10% reload deposit bonus (or equivalent currency. Example $100 or �?100)
- This bonus is only available for existing customers and only can be used once
- Minimum initial deposit of $50 and maximum deposit of $1000 (or equivalent currency. Example $25 or ?25)
- You must enter the bonus code ?10RELOAD? at the time of deposit to receive the bonus
- 2 times wager requirement must be met before a withdrawal can be made on deposit+bonus.
- This bonus is not available to players from the following countries: Portugal, Serbia, United States
- Only wagers with minimum odds of 2.0 / +100 will contribute towards the rollover requirement
- Multiple bets or bets placed on the same event will not count towards the wagering requirement.
- Horse racing bets may NOT be used within this promotion whatsoever.
- You have 30 days from the time the bonus is awarded to meet the wager requirements. If the wager requirements are not met, the bonus and any winnings generated from the bonus will be removed.
- The sportsbook reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion. We reserve the right to cancel this bonus or to change the terms and conditions of this promotion at any time and it is your responsibility to periodically check for changes and updates.
- Offers are intended for recreational players and we may in our sole discretion limit the eligibility of customers to participate in all or part of any promotion.
- Only one bonus per customer, household, or computer with a shared IP is allowed.
- Apart from the above mentioned Terms and Conditions, this offer is subject to the General Terms and Conditions.
- GR88 Management decisions are final.
BonusmaniacAdministrator18. prosinca 2012. u 23:53 #147631
Free bet od 20€ za nove igrače još uvijek vrijedi
a za Novu su ubacili promociju 12% do 100€ za postojeće igrače.
Looks like the Mayans were wrong, life goes on after all! To celebrate we’re offering you a 12% reload bonus on all your deposits until the end of 2012. Take that, Mayan doomsayers!To claim your reload bonus, simply use the Bonus Code ‘BYE2012’ when topping up your sportsbook wallet and the additional 12% funds will be added to your account along with your nominated deposit amount.
- Next time you deposit get up $200 FREE by using the BYE2012
- Players receive up to $200 bonus cash with this 12% reload deposit bonus (or equivalent currency. Example $100 or �/�100)
- This bonus is only available for existing customers
- Minimum deposit of $20 and maximum deposit of $1000 (or equivalent currency. Example �/�25)
- You must enter the bonus code at the time of deposit to receive the bonus
- 2 times wager requirement on deposit+bonus in Sports must be met before a withdrawal can be made.
- This bonus is not available to players from the following countries: Portugal, Serbia, United States, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Belarus
- Only wagers with minimum odds of 2.0 / +100 will contribute towards the rollover requirement
- Multiple bets or bets placed on the same event will not count towards the wagering requirement.
- Horse racing bets may NOT be used within this promotion whatsoever.
- You have 30 days from the time the bonus is awarded to meet the wager requirements. If the wager requirements are not met, the bonus and any winnings generated from the bonus will be removed.
- The sportsbook reserves the right to amend, cancel, reclaim or refuse any promotion at its own discretion. We reserve the right to cancel this bonus or to change the terms and conditions of this promotion at any time and it is your responsibility to periodically check for changes and updates.
- Offers are intended for recreational players and we may in our sole discretion limit the eligibility of customers to participate in all or part of any promotion.
- Only one bonus per customer, household, or computer with a shared IP is allowed.
Gost24. prosinca 2012. u 15:24 #147713
Stovani kolege,najprije da vam svima skupa,a naravno i vasim obiteljima zazelim blagoslovljene bozicne blagdane,te samo svako dobro u Novoj 2013.godini.
A sad na..posel :-). Dakle,molim pomoc,po pitanju isplate odnosno verifikacije rn na ovoj kladi.Naime,registriral se preko linka na BM prije par dana,uplatil 20 eurica,i naravno-dobil..GRRR!! E sad,malo se kladil,i sa 20 popelo se na 60 i nekaj..zatrazil isplatu 50e,poslali mail da verificiram rn,sa uploadom dokumenata..poslal im attachment sa osobnom i rn za struju i..veli frek Sam da ponovno posaljem,da nista nisu primili..opet im attacmentiram vec navedeno,no opet tip veli da nista nisu dobili,i da nek ponovo saljem..jos napise da prebacim u..pdf?? Ako ima ko iskustva,molil bi da mi odgovori kolko taj roman koji im treba u pdf-u mora imati stranica? Mislim,jel za ttih 50e moram i roman im pisati? Napominjem da mi je mail kojim sam kod njih registriran na ,i bez ikakvih problema mailove dobivene s njega na druge mail-adrese otvara mi attachmente. A i s te iste adrese bez ikakvih problema uploadom dokumenata verificiral sam i rn na Betfairu,Bedaku i desetak drugih klada.
Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru,te vas lijepo pozdravljam!
BonusmaniacAdministrator24. prosinca 2012. u 15:47 #147714
Ivice sretni Blagdani tebi i obiteji 🙂
Kod njih stvarno ne bi trebao imati problema s tim, premala je cifra da bi gr88 radio probleme…vjerojatno ti nešto ne štima…
probaj poslati fotke 800x 600 ne treba veće ako i to ne prolazi
pošalji im email i pitaj ih da li im mozes poslati dokumente s druge email adrese jer da imas problema s postojecom. otvori gmail ili yahoo pa im ponovno šibniako pak i to ne prođe poslati ćeš mi user nm pa ću im ja poslati upit
Ale1Bonus Majstor24. prosinca 2012. u 18:22 #147718
A o kakvom romanu pricas? Pa nije pdf samo za slike. I jpg mozes u pdf prebaciti, sto su ti oni i sugrerirali. Ja sam skuzio da uglavnom imas problema ako su ti slike vece od 1mb svaka. Ako ti jesu vece, probaj resize napravit. A vjerojatno su ti zato i rekli u pdf da rebacis, jer slike ispadnu puno manje. Ako skeniraš dokumente, možeš ih odmah s tim softwareom za skeniranje prebvacit u pdf, to mora svaki imati.
Gost27. prosinca 2012. u 14:41 #147786
Kolege,zahvaljujem vam na odgovorima,sa zakasnjenjem :-).
@ BM @ – uz zahvalu na savjetu,zahvaljujem i na cestitci :-). Nakon malo dopisivanja s njima,mislim da bude problem rijesen,na obostrano zadovoljstvo.Inace,za ovu kladu znam da je poprilicno pouzdana,provjereno na SBR-u (iako moram priznati da imam filing da tzv. sluzbena njihova izvjesca o rangiranju nekih klada i nisu bas najmjerodavnija za odluku o uletu na pojedinu od njih). U svakom slucaju,BM -hvala 🙂 !
@ Ale1 @ – i Vama zahvaljujem na savjetima;naravno,za roman u pdf-u se zezal :-). Inace,dokumenti su velicine 30*30*400 KB,i svugdje su ih u .jpg formatu primili bez problema,kao sto i napisah u prethodnom postu.Sad im poslal u sva tri formata navedena u njihovom mailu,pa vjerujem da nekaj od toga bude i prihvaceno.
Eto,da ne spamamo 🙂 temu,jos jednom svima zahvaljujem na pomoci,te vas sve skupa lijepo pozdravljam.
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.