Da li je netko odavdje radio uplatu i isplatu na klade putem Trustly servisa?? Od balkana ima hrvatska u izborniku a vidim da traže i VAT – OIB prilikom regsitracije i rade s tri banke u HR. Osim za transfere na klionice može se plaćati online (putovanja, obleka…)
Pay with Trustly
in 3 simple steps
1. Select your bank and log in as you normally do.
2. Choose the account from which you wish to pay.
3. Confirm your payment with your preferred authentication method.
Security is our pledge to you
Trustly is a licensed payment institution authorized and supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. We hold a European Payment Services Provider (PSP) license in accordance with the Payment Services Directive (PSD, 2007/64/EC).
You don’t have to register to use Trustly and we never store any information that can be used to access your bank account. Trustly uses the highest encryption standard available, in addition to the banks’ security system.