William Hill: Live Casino bez rizika

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  • #143338

    William Hill kladionica u posljednje vrijeme svakog tjedna daje priliku svojim korisnicima da bez rizika ulože 10€ u Live Casinu.

    Potrebno je imati sredstva na računu, potvrditi učestvovanje na stranici promocije tako da se klikne na CLAIM NOW dugme, i odigrati na neku od igara obuhvaćenih promocijom. Ako ostvarite dobitak novci su vaši, a ako pak izgubite ulog do maksimalno 10€ vam vraćaju, obično 48 sati nakon završetka promocije. Linkovi na stranicu promocije obično su dostupni sa desne stranice naslovne stranice ili u poštanskom sandučiću vašeg William Hill računa. Također u posljednje vrijeme igra ide redovito za vikend, od petka do nedjelje.

    Dostupne igre su obično Live Blackjack, Roulette i Baccarat. Ponekad promocija vrijedi za samo jednu određenu vrstu ruleta, zato uvijek dobro pročitajte uvjete ponude. Rulet je najjednostavniji jer možete svih 10€ uplatiti na neku od manje rizičnih ponuda i imate 50% šanse da dobijete. U tom slučaju možete slobodno izaći s 10€ viška na računu.
    Naravno, možete se zaigrati i pokušati sreću i dalje. Vodite samo računa da je maksimalni povrat 10€ kako ne bi otišli u gubitak.

    10€ NA LIVE CASINO 27-29.01.2012.
    Provjerite svoje sandučiće i potražite ponudu za ovaj vikend.

    £10 Risk Free:

    • The promotion will run between 27 and 29 January 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
    • This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets on Live Casino between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Friday 27 January 2012 – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Sunday 29 January 2012.
    • Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings at Live Casino, up to £10.
    • All payments will be made into your William Hill Account within 48 hours following the promotion ending, subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
    • Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply
  • #143364

    Sigao mi je email Live casino £10 Risk Free a pronašao sam i u inboxu kad sam se logirao
    Vrijedi za cijeli vikend 🙂

    Enjoy the fun at the Live Casino this weekend
    Watch all the action unfold right before your eyes with Live Blackjack, Roulette and Baccarat and see if this weekend is lucky for you; if you don’t walk away an overall winner, we’ll credit your account with your losses, up to £10*! Click the CLAIM NOW button to opt-in today.

    1. The promotion will run between 3 and 5 February 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
    2. This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets on Live Casino between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Friday 3 February 2012 – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Sunday 5 February 2012.
    3. Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings at Live Casino, up to £10.
    4. All payments will be made into your William Hill Account within 48 hours following the promotion ending, subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
    5. Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply
  • #143416

    Nova akcija za ovaj vikend
    Besplatnih 10€ u Live Casinu do nedjelje 12.02. u ponoć
    Ostali uvjeti kao u prethodnim postovima

  • #143482

    Provjerite Inbox na william hillu. Na stranici ne vidim baner pa pretpostavljam da su svi dobili u inbox.

    10€ Bez rizika u Kazinu uživo

    Enjoy Live Roulette, Blackjack or Baccarat this weekend with no risk of losing!

    Play at the Live Casino between today and Sunday – if you don’t win, you’ll get a 100% refund, up to £10*. So no win, no lose!

    Go to the promotion page and click the CLAIM NOW button to opt-in.

    £10 Risk Free:

    • The promotion will run between 17 and 19 February 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
    • This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets on Live Casino between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Friday 17 February 2012 – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Sunday 19 February 2012.
    • Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings at Live Casino, up to £10.
    • All payments will be made into your William Hill Account within 48 hours following the promotion ending, subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
    • Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply
  • #143508

    UUeeeeee opet 10€ na Live casinu. Reklama je na prvoj stranici WILLIAM hilla
    Vrijedi od 24. do 26. 23.59h UK

    Šteta što prije nisam počeo igrati takve dobre prmocije.

    Stavio sam i uvjete:

    £10 Risk Free:

    The promotion will run between 24 and 26 February 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
    This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets on Live Casino between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Friday 24 February 2012 – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Sunday 26 February 2012.
    Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings at Live Casino, up to £10.
    All payments will be made into your William Hill Account within 48 hours following the promotion ending, subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.

  • #143540

    Kao i svakog vikenda 10€ je ponovno u igri. Provjerite sandučić na W.Hill računu!

  • #143567

    Kao i svakog vikenda 10€ je ponovno u igri. Provjerite sandučić na W.Hill računu!

  • #143690

    U inboxu novih 10e na live casinu..Vrijedi do 23:59:59 hrs (UK) 18/03

    Play at the Live Casino this weekend with £10 Risk Free.
    Take a spin on Roulette or take on the dealer in Live Blackjack between today and Sunday 18th March – if you don’t win, your account will be refunded with 100% of your losses up to £10!
    Click the CLAIM NOW button to opt-in to this promotion.

  • #143732

    U inboxu novih 10e na live casinu..Vrijedi do 23:59:59 hrs (UK) 18/03

    Play at the Live Casino this weekend with £10 Risk Free.
    Take a spin on Roulette or take on the dealer in Live Blackjack between today and Sunday 18th March – if you don’t win, your account will be refunded with 100% of your losses up to £10!
    Click the CLAIM NOW button to opt-in to this promotion.

  • #143796

    U inboxu i na emailu:
    10€ bez rizika na hillu! Vrijedi do 25.03. do 23.59UK
    Enjoy the fun at the Live Casino this weekend!

    Watch all the action unfold right before your eyes with Live Blackjack, Roulette and Baccarat and see if this weekend is lucky for you; if you don’t walk away an overall winner, we’ll credit your account with your losses, up to £10*! Click the CLAIM NOW button to opt-in today.

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