Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » 1Bet Bonus
underdogAdministrator14. veljače 2012. u 23:30 #143454
1bet kladionica privremeno je uvela bonus za nove korisnike koji vrijedi do 29.02.2012.
Radi se o kladionici azijskog tipa koja koristi softver i ponudu identičan mnogo poznatijem 12betu što uključuje i istu vrijednost tečajeva. 1bet je inače sa radom započeo početkom prošle godine da bi početkom ljeta obustavio rad kladionice i nastavio raditi isključivo kao casino. Kladionica je zatim ponovno proradila prošle jeseni. Unatoč tom čudnom postupku nisu zabilježene pritužbe korisnika na neisplatu salda.
Pošto je ponuda identična 12betu može se reći da se radi o dosta dobroj ponudi na oklade azijskog hendikepa, te sve navedeno za tu kladionicu vrijedi i za 1bet.Bonus dolazi u obliku besplatne prve oklade u vrijednosti 20€ koju možete dobiti ako izvršite prvu uplatu od 100€. U slučaju gubitka prve oklade 1bet vraća ulog do maksimalno 20€, a da bi mogli izvršiti isplatu morate ispuniti rollover od čak 500€.
Sama vrijednost bonusa nije velika ali isplati ga se odigrati tako da sredstva na 1betu koristite za kontriranje drugih kladionica na kojima odrađujete druge bonuse, umjesto da koristite Betfair ili Pinnacle naprimjer.TO GET 1BET’s FREE BET BONUS, YOU JUST NEED TO:
1. Have a valid 1BET account
2. Deposit a minimum of 100€
3. Stake your first bet for any sport or leagueTerms and conditions
1. Promotion is valid from 06/02/2012 until 28/02/2012 23:59pm GMT . 1Bet reserves the right to change promotion dates.
2. Free bet bonus is offered for both existing and new players, who have made a real money deposit during promotion dates of minimum 100 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies).
3. Players who participate in the 0.2% cashback promotion can’t participate in this promotion in this month (and vice versa).
4. If your first bet is a losing bet, we will credit you with your losing stake, up to 20 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies). Winning and draw bets are not entitled for the rebate.
5. Only single bets made with odds equal or less than 1.5 are eligible for the first risk free bet. Mix-parlay bets are not eligible for this promotion.
6. Your account will be credited automatically with the rebate amount up to 72 Hours, starting from the time of the bet being settled.
7. The minimum bet for this promotion is 10 € or greater.
8. In order to withdraw your funds, you need to roll over your deposit 5 (five) times with odds equal or higher than 1.8.
Risk free bet, push and cancelled bets are not counted for the turnover requirement.
9. Sport books bonuses cannot be played in the casino, and vice versa.
10. Free Bet bonus is given only once per household, IP and/or account. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
11. 1BET reserves the right to cancel the bonus to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion. -
clanak504Bonus Majstor1. ožujka 2012. u 19:40 #143535
Produžena akcija. jel to znači da se dobije free bet samo ako je prva oklada od 20€ gubitna (s time da ako je neriješeno onda ništa).
It doesn’t matter if you are getting started or getting powered up, you can grab this one easily!
When you place a winning bet- it’s always fun. But if you lose, we will pay you back your stake, up to 20 EUR.TO GET 1BET’s FREE BET BONUS, YOU JUST NEED TO:
1. Have a valid 1BET account
2. Deposit a minimum of 100€
3. Stake your first bet for any sport or leagueLast update: 29/02/2012-clause 1 (promotion’s dates)
Terms and conditions
1. Promotion is valid from 06/02/2012 until 31/03/2012 23:59pm GMT . 1Bet reserves the right to change promotion dates.
2. Free bet bonus is offered for both existing and new players, who have made a real money deposit during promotion dates of minimum 100 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies).
3. Players who participate in the 0.2% cashback promotion can’t participate in this promotion in this month (and vice versa).
4. If your first bet is a losing bet, we will credit you with your losing stake, up to 20 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies). Winning and draw bets are not entitled for the rebate.
5. Only single bets made with odds equal or less than 1.5 are eligible for the first risk free bet. Mix-parlay bets are not eligible for this promotion.
6. Your account will be credited automatically with the rebate amount up to 72 Hours, starting from the time of the bet being settled.
7. The minimum bet for this promotion is 10 € or greater.
8. In order to withdraw your funds, you need to roll over your deposit 5 (five) times with odds equal or higher than 1.8.
Risk free bet, push and cancelled bets are not counted for the turnover requirement.
9. Sport books bonuses cannot be played in the casino, and vice versa.
10. Free Bet bonus is given only once per household, IP and/or account. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
11. 1BET reserves the right to cancel the bonus to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion. -
clanak504Bonus Majstor1. ožujka 2012. u 19:40 #143557
Produžena akcija. jel to znači da se dobije free bet samo ako je prva oklada od 20€ gubitna (s time da ako je neriješeno onda ništa).
It doesn’t matter if you are getting started or getting powered up, you can grab this one easily!
When you place a winning bet- it’s always fun. But if you lose, we will pay you back your stake, up to 20 EUR.TO GET 1BET’s FREE BET BONUS, YOU JUST NEED TO:
1. Have a valid 1BET account
2. Deposit a minimum of 100€
3. Stake your first bet for any sport or leagueLast update: 29/02/2012-clause 1 (promotion’s dates)
Terms and conditions
1. Promotion is valid from 06/02/2012 until 31/03/2012 23:59pm GMT . 1Bet reserves the right to change promotion dates.
2. Free bet bonus is offered for both existing and new players, who have made a real money deposit during promotion dates of minimum 100 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies).
3. Players who participate in the 0.2% cashback promotion can’t participate in this promotion in this month (and vice versa).
4. If your first bet is a losing bet, we will credit you with your losing stake, up to 20 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies). Winning and draw bets are not entitled for the rebate.
5. Only single bets made with odds equal or less than 1.5 are eligible for the first risk free bet. Mix-parlay bets are not eligible for this promotion.
6. Your account will be credited automatically with the rebate amount up to 72 Hours, starting from the time of the bet being settled.
7. The minimum bet for this promotion is 10 € or greater.
8. In order to withdraw your funds, you need to roll over your deposit 5 (five) times with odds equal or higher than 1.8.
Risk free bet, push and cancelled bets are not counted for the turnover requirement.
9. Sport books bonuses cannot be played in the casino, and vice versa.
10. Free Bet bonus is given only once per household, IP and/or account. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
11. 1BET reserves the right to cancel the bonus to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion. -
underdogAdministrator2. ožujka 2012. u 0:12 #143536
Upravo tako, vraćaju ulog samo ako izgubiš prvu okladu. Neriješeno se misli ako se oklada poništi u slučaju tzv. pusha, što je moguće kod hendikepa i over undera.
Naprimjer uplatiš over 3 i bude točno 3 gola, te se oklada poništava.Kao što sam gore napisao rollover je velik, tako da se ovo isplati odigrati tako da 1bet koristiš za kontriranje drugih bonusa po potrebi, bez da ciljano razigravaš rollover.
Produžena akcija. jel to znači da se dobije free bet samo ako je prva oklada od 20€ gubitna (s time da ako je neriješeno onda ništa).
underdogAdministrator2. ožujka 2012. u 0:12 #143559
Upravo tako, vraćaju ulog samo ako izgubiš prvu okladu. Neriješeno se misli ako se oklada poništi u slučaju tzv. pusha, što je moguće kod hendikepa i over undera.
Naprimjer uplatiš over 3 i bude točno 3 gola, te se oklada poništava.Kao što sam gore napisao rollover je velik, tako da se ovo isplati odigrati tako da 1bet koristiš za kontriranje drugih bonusa po potrebi, bez da ciljano razigravaš rollover.
Produžena akcija. jel to znači da se dobije free bet samo ako je prva oklada od 20€ gubitna (s time da ako je neriješeno onda ništa).
underdogAdministrator18. siječnja 2013. u 21:04 #148540
Ova akcija vrijedi i dalje, evo trenutnih uvjeta:
1. Promotion is valid from 06/02/2012 until 31/01/2013 23:59pm GMT . 1Bet reserves the right to change promotion dates.
2. Free bet is offered to both existing and new players, who have made a deposit of minimum 100 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies)during the promotion dates. Players can participate for it after each deposit of over 100 EUR/GBP/USD ( or equivalent to Euro in other currencies) until they qualify and receive the free bet.
3. Players who participate in the 0.2% cashback promotion can’t participate in this promotion in this month (and vice versa).
4. If the first placed bet after your latest deposit is a losing bet, we will credit you with your losing stake, up to 20 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies). Winning and draw bets are not entitled for the rebate.
5. Only single bets made with odds equal or less than 1.5 are eligible for the first risk free bet. Mix-parlay bets are not eligible for this promotion.
6. Your account will be credited automatically with the rebate amount up to 72 Hours, starting from the time of the bet being settled.
7. The minimum bet for this promotion is 10 € or greater.
8. In order to withdraw the free bet amount you need to roll it over 5 (five) times with odds equal or higher than 1.8. Push and cancelled bets are not counted for the turnover requirement.
9. Sport books bonuses cannot be played in the casino, and vice versa.
10. Free Bet bonus is given only once per household, IP and/or account. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
11. 1BET reserves the right to cancel the bonus to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion.Novo je, i to je dobro, da je sada rollover 5 puta na iznos free beta što znači maksimalno 100 eura. Također ponuda vrijedi za svaki depozit od 100 eura, i može ju se ponavljati.
Kako 1bet ima odlične koeficijente na azijski hendikep (iste kao 12bet) ne bi trebalo biti problema za uplatiti tih 100 eura pologa ili rollovera.Problem je u koeficijentu koji vrijedi za kvalifikacijsku okladu, a to je maksimalno 1,50 što znači da se ne ispalti kontrirati.
U principu najpametnije bi bilo položiti 100 eura i odigrati ih na 1,50 bez kontriranja. Ako oklada prođe zaradili smo 10 eura. Ako padne dobijamo povrat i ostajemo na nuli s obzirom da se rollover koristi za razigravanje drugih bonusa.
underdogAdministrator18. siječnja 2013. u 21:04 #148397
Ova akcija vrijedi i dalje, evo trenutnih uvjeta:
1. Promotion is valid from 06/02/2012 until 31/01/2013 23:59pm GMT . 1Bet reserves the right to change promotion dates.
2. Free bet is offered to both existing and new players, who have made a deposit of minimum 100 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies)during the promotion dates. Players can participate for it after each deposit of over 100 EUR/GBP/USD ( or equivalent to Euro in other currencies) until they qualify and receive the free bet.
3. Players who participate in the 0.2% cashback promotion can’t participate in this promotion in this month (and vice versa).
4. If the first placed bet after your latest deposit is a losing bet, we will credit you with your losing stake, up to 20 Euro/GBP/USD (or equivalent to Euro in other currencies). Winning and draw bets are not entitled for the rebate.
5. Only single bets made with odds equal or less than 1.5 are eligible for the first risk free bet. Mix-parlay bets are not eligible for this promotion.
6. Your account will be credited automatically with the rebate amount up to 72 Hours, starting from the time of the bet being settled.
7. The minimum bet for this promotion is 10 € or greater.
8. In order to withdraw the free bet amount you need to roll it over 5 (five) times with odds equal or higher than 1.8. Push and cancelled bets are not counted for the turnover requirement.
9. Sport books bonuses cannot be played in the casino, and vice versa.
10. Free Bet bonus is given only once per household, IP and/or account. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
11. 1BET reserves the right to cancel the bonus to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion.Novo je, i to je dobro, da je sada rollover 5 puta na iznos free beta što znači maksimalno 100 eura. Također ponuda vrijedi za svaki depozit od 100 eura, i može ju se ponavljati.
Kako 1bet ima odlične koeficijente na azijski hendikep (iste kao 12bet) ne bi trebalo biti problema za uplatiti tih 100 eura pologa ili rollovera.Problem je u koeficijentu koji vrijedi za kvalifikacijsku okladu, a to je maksimalno 1,50 što znači da se ne ispalti kontrirati.
U principu najpametnije bi bilo položiti 100 eura i odigrati ih na 1,50 bez kontriranja. Ako oklada prođe zaradili smo 10 eura. Ako padne dobijamo povrat i ostajemo na nuli s obzirom da se rollover koristi za razigravanje drugih bonusa.
dearr733Moderator23. svibnja 2013. u 22:26 #149943
Navedena akcija za 20 eura vrijedi i dalje (do 31.01.2014. godine).
Međutim, imaju jednu zanimljivu promociju koja traje do 31.05.2013:
ako se pogode ishodi bilo koje 4 nogometne utakmice (kao single oklade na 1X2 s minimalnim koef. 2.00) kladionica daruje 50 eura. Minimalni depozit je 20 eura, a za oklade minimum je 10 eura.We are giving away 50 EUR!
Anyone can get it easily – simply bet on any 4 matches and guess their outcome correctlyIt is simple.
1. Place 4 moneyline (1×2) bets on a soccer match of your choice.
2. Send an email to [email protected] with subject ’50 EURO’ and text bet IDs of all the 4 matches.
3. Once the bets are settled winning accounts will be awarded.
Terms and conditions
1. Offer applies to any 4 moneyline (1×2) matches which are not yet settled by the time we receive your email.
2. Promotion is valid from 14 May 2013 until 31 May 2013 23:59pm GMT.
3. Offer is available to both existing and new customers.
4. Minimum odds allowed per bet are 2.00.
5. Combo bets do not count towards this promotion.
6. The minimum deposit you should perform during the promotional period in order to qualify for the promo is 20 EUR
7. The minimum bet amount for this promotion is 10 EUR per bet. Pre-match full time money line bets (1X2) are eligible only. Placing more than one bet per each event is not allowed.
8. You will be granted with 50 EUR in addition if you guess the outcome of all the 4 matches.
9. Players can only have one active sport bonus at any one time.
10. In order to withdraw the bonus amount, a player should roll it over 5 times on sport bets with odds of 2.00 or higher.
11. The bonus amount cannot be played in the casino.
12. Any fraudulent actions will lead to withdrawal of the given amounts and all winnings attached to it will be revoked.
13. The amounts are given only once per household, IP and/or account and will be credited to the winning accounts within 24 hours of the bet settlement. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
14. 1BET reserves the right to cancel this promotion to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion.
15. Apart from the above mentioned terms and conditions, this offer is subject to the general Terms and Conditions.
16. All general T&C apply. -
dearr733Moderator23. svibnja 2013. u 22:26 #150244
Navedena akcija za 20 eura vrijedi i dalje (do 31.01.2014. godine).
Međutim, imaju jednu zanimljivu promociju koja traje do 31.05.2013:
ako se pogode ishodi bilo koje 4 nogometne utakmice (kao single oklade na 1X2 s minimalnim koef. 2.00) kladionica daruje 50 eura. Minimalni depozit je 20 eura, a za oklade minimum je 10 eura.We are giving away 50 EUR!
Anyone can get it easily – simply bet on any 4 matches and guess their outcome correctlyIt is simple.
1. Place 4 moneyline (1×2) bets on a soccer match of your choice.
2. Send an email to [email protected] with subject ’50 EURO’ and text bet IDs of all the 4 matches.
3. Once the bets are settled winning accounts will be awarded.
Terms and conditions
1. Offer applies to any 4 moneyline (1×2) matches which are not yet settled by the time we receive your email.
2. Promotion is valid from 14 May 2013 until 31 May 2013 23:59pm GMT.
3. Offer is available to both existing and new customers.
4. Minimum odds allowed per bet are 2.00.
5. Combo bets do not count towards this promotion.
6. The minimum deposit you should perform during the promotional period in order to qualify for the promo is 20 EUR
7. The minimum bet amount for this promotion is 10 EUR per bet. Pre-match full time money line bets (1X2) are eligible only. Placing more than one bet per each event is not allowed.
8. You will be granted with 50 EUR in addition if you guess the outcome of all the 4 matches.
9. Players can only have one active sport bonus at any one time.
10. In order to withdraw the bonus amount, a player should roll it over 5 times on sport bets with odds of 2.00 or higher.
11. The bonus amount cannot be played in the casino.
12. Any fraudulent actions will lead to withdrawal of the given amounts and all winnings attached to it will be revoked.
13. The amounts are given only once per household, IP and/or account and will be credited to the winning accounts within 24 hours of the bet settlement. If a second account is opened it will be closed and all play bonuses and winnings will be canceled.
14. 1BET reserves the right to cancel this promotion to any customer or group of customers, according to its judicial opinion.
15. Apart from the above mentioned terms and conditions, this offer is subject to the general Terms and Conditions.
16. All general T&C apply. -
RobinjoBonus Majstor24. svibnja 2013. u 10:45 #149945
poz dear
da li si odigrao to? nije mi jasno da li mogu odigrati više od 4 single oklada po danu?ako npr. odigram 6 single oklada u istom danu a prođu 3 pa sutradan opet odigram nekoliko single oklada a prođe jedna. Ukupuno su mi u dva dana prošle 4 oklade, da li onda mogu zatražiti bonus?
hvala na odgovoru
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.