Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » Babibet bonus
underdogAdministrator11. svibnja 2017. u 18:29 #164186
još jedna kladionicu s ne baš sjajnim rollover uvjetima…. zbog toga za sada i nisam odigrao bonus
ako se netko ipak usudio uletjeti molio bih ga da ovdje napiše iskustvaBonus Uvjeti
1. This promotion is available for all new customers of Babibet for the period 25.11.2016 – 31.12.2020. Babibet reserves the right to change the promotional period at any time.
2. Customers will receive 50% up to 50€/$/£ (or equivalent to € in other currency) on top of the deposited amount instantly upon entering the bonus code for this promotion: BWSB50
3. Members cannot receive the bonus if they failed to enter the bonus code with their deposit.
4. The minimum first deposit to qualify for the promotion is 10€/$/£ (or equivalent to € in other currency).
5. The maximum bonus amount for this promotion is 50€/$/£ (or equivalent to € in other currency).
6. The amount of the deposit and the bonus must be rolled over 12 times in order to convert the bonus into real money and cash out any winnings.
Example: a customer who deposited 100€ and received 50€ bonus must rollover a total of 1800€ = 12 x (100+50) prior to requesting a withdrawal. Left-over roll-over is displayed on the “Promotions” page.
7. Customers with active bonus are not allowed to place bets with odds lower than 1.80 (decimal). The system automatically restricts such bets.
8. Combo bets count towards this bonus as long as the odds for each of the selections in the combo are minimum 1.80 (decimal).
9. Each bet placed will contribute a maximum of 50% of your bonus amount received towards fulfilling the rollover requirements.
Example: if the bonus amount awarded to you is 50€, the maximum amount that each bet can contribute towards the rollover requirements, is 25€.
10. For any bet placed, funds are deducted from the player’s real balance. If there is no available real balance, the wager is deducted from the bonus balance.
11. Void, tie (refunded) or cancelled bets, will not be counted towards the rollover requirements for the bonus.
12. Multiple bets placed on the same outcome of the same event and bets placed on the opposite sides with the same outcome of the same event are considered forbidden and a bonus abuse. Such bets must not be placed either with real or with bonus balance.
13. While having an active bonus, members cannot request a withdrawal. Activated bonus will expire within 25 days of its activation.
14. Members must complete the rollover in 25 days or the entire bonus balance and real money winnings will be automatically voided.
15. In cases where the customer chooses to leave the bonus campaign using the “Leave” button under “Campaigns” section, prior to meeting the roll over required, all bonus money and real money winnings will be forfeited.
16. Members can only have one active bonus at any time. To claim another one, the current bonus should be closed or completed first.
17. Sports book bonuses cannot be played in the kasino, and vice versa.
18. Babibet reserves the right to withdraw the availability of any offer and to reclaim all bonus and winnings money accumulated by any customer or group of customers at any time and at our sole and absolute discretion.
19. Registration and participation is allowed only once per person, family, household address, email address, payment account number, IP address and shared computer, i.e. Public library or workplace. Bonus will be refused to players who do not comply with this term and odd accounts will be closed (Please, refer to Terms of Use – “Duplicated Accounts” policy).
20. Babibet reserves the right to review customers’ betting and financial activity. In case of bonus manipulation, non-recreational betting or wagering style, collaboration between parties, etc., customers will be refused to take advantage of this promotion and any bonuses and/or winnings will be revoked at the sole discretion of Babibet.
21. It is the customer’s responsibility to check the terms and conditions, as Babibet reserves the right to change these conditions at any time.
22. Babibet Terms of Use apply, unless otherwise stated. -
Dragan88Bonus Majstor24. lipnja 2017. u 21:00 #164687
Zelim otvoriti novu temu i prodiskutovati malo o relativno novoj kladionici na trzistu.
Babibet je po meni bleda kopija svetski poznte kladionice pinnacle. Trenutno je na snazi 50% bonus dobrodoslice u visini do 50eura i osrednje uslove za rollover 12x(depozit+bonus)
Ako cemo objektivno da pogledam BABIBET ima i svoje prednosti u odnosu na pinnacle, a to je da prilikom parlay opklada racunaju istu kvotu, da na neke lige imaju mnogo siru ponudu. Na primer u fudbalu GG, pokrivaju vecu ponudu za kosarku, poeni na poluvremenu, tm1,tm2 itd..
Takodje ovde bih dodao i opciju koju nude novim igracimo koji zele biti agenti i imati neku vrstu affilatesa sa njima.
Uslovi su sledeci:
You will be required for an initial safe deposit, and at the first stage we will set up your Agent account with credits according to your deposit (1 € =1 credit).Therefore we will appreciate if you can inform us of how much starting credits you have in mind for your account.
We suggest the first initial deposit to be not less than €10 000, in order for you to have enough available funds to provide your customers with.
Having an Agent account with us means that you will be the manager of it and have the opportunity to instantly open and provide BabiBet accounts to your clients.
Regarding your question there are two ways you can benefit from your players’ activity – taking risk on your players bets (Revenue Share Model as you call it) and a commission over their bets.You can chose to use both or only one of them depending on the settings you choose for the players. The settings depend entirely on your decision.
Let us give you more details about each of the mentioned ways to receive revenues from your players so you would be fully aware of the operations and opportunities Babibet system can offer you.
Taking risk over your players’ bets means that you will get a certain percentage from their losses or be obliged to cover the same percentage of their winnings. This risk percentage you can adjust separately for each player according to your personal preferences.
In this case, you may choose between 0% Position Taking (PT) and 75% PT.
As for the commission over your players bets, you will again be given the opportunity to choose the settings depending on your preferences.
For each player you can choose a price group (A, B, C, D or E). Those groups are determining the price level of your customers and your commission over the customers’ bets at the same time.
For example:
Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E
0.25% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.25%
MalaBakaBonus Majstor25. lipnja 2017. u 0:03 #164707
TEK SADA ugledah !!! Ama , svaka cast prijatelju 8 druze 9 sto si nas pocastio ovime !!!
Dan mi uljepsalo !!!
A za ca 2 mjeseca te ocekujem sa 1.000 mailova , 60 ili 50 dana cekanja na odgovor…..
Idi bre leci se !!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Dragan88Bonus Majstor25. lipnja 2017. u 1:08 #164708
Molim administratore da reaguju i uklone ove uvredljive komentare od Mala Baka koji je veoma nepristojan i postaje nepodnosljiv.
Tema je otvorena i mislim da bi na ovom sajtu moglo kvalitetno da se prodiskutuje na temu babi beta koji je novi na trzistu i verujem da je tek mali broj ljudi imao iskustva sa njima.
Ja se pozivam na lecenje, samo ne znam od koje bolesti, moracemo to da utvrdimo.. -
dudyBonus Majstor25. lipnja 2017. u 10:35 #164710
Ne znam koliko se isplati..prevelik je rollover
Zelim otvoriti novu temu i prodiskutovati malo o relativno novoj kladionici na trzistu.
Babibet je po meni bleda kopija svetski poznte kladionice pinnacle. Trenutno je na snazi 50% bonus dobrodoslice u visini do 50eura i osrednje uslove za rollover 12x(depozit+bonus)
Ako cemo objektivno da pogledam BABIBET ima i svoje prednosti u odnosu na pinnacle, a to je da prilikom parlay opklada racunaju istu kvotu, da na neke lige imaju mnogo siru ponudu. Na primer u fudbalu GG, pokrivaju vecu ponudu za kosarku, poeni na poluvremenu, tm1,tm2 itd..
Takodje ovde bih dodao i opciju koju nude novim igracimo koji zele biti agenti i imati neku vrstu affilatesa sa njima.
Uslovi su sledeci:
You will be required for an initial safe deposit, and at the first stage we will set up your Agent account with credits according to your deposit (1 € =1 credit).Therefore we will appreciate if you can inform us of how much starting credits you have in mind for your account.
We suggest the first initial deposit to be not less than €10 000, in order for you to have enough available funds to provide your customers with.
Having an Agent account with us means that you will be the manager of it and have the opportunity to instantly open and provide BabiBet accounts to your clients.
Regarding your question there are two ways you can benefit from your players’ activity – taking risk on your players bets (Revenue Share Model as you call it) and a commission over their bets.You can chose to use both or only one of them depending on the settings you choose for the players. The settings depend entirely on your decision.
Let us give you more details about each of the mentioned ways to receive revenues from your players so you would be fully aware of the operations and opportunities Babibet system can offer you.
Taking risk over your players’ bets means that you will get a certain percentage from their losses or be obliged to cover the same percentage of their winnings. This risk percentage you can adjust separately for each player according to your personal preferences.
In this case, you may choose between 0% Position Taking (PT) and 75% PT.
As for the commission over your players bets, you will again be given the opportunity to choose the settings depending on your preferences.
For each player you can choose a price group (A, B, C, D or E). Those groups are determining the price level of your customers and your commission over the customers’ bets at the same time.
For example:
Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E
0.25% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.25%
Dragan88Bonus Majstor25. lipnja 2017. u 15:41 #164712
Kako za koga, nije bitan rollover ako ima sta da se igra.
I u sbo je rollover 14x pa ga mogu pocistiti za 1 dan kad imas 1000 utakmica na surebetu sa kim hoces.
Nadam se da ce se jos neko javiti ko je vec otvarao racun kod njih. Nije poenta samo u bonusu, vec i u samoj igri, vidim na oddsportalu da dosta prate pinnacle sa kvotama, a ponekad se desi da cu veci od njih.
A ko je to jos veci od pinnacle na underdog opklade ? -
Vidic26Bonus Majstor26. lipnja 2017. u 14:46 #164723
To je klon 18bet kladionice, sve njihove kvote imaju i inace imaju 20. stavku u uslovima od bonusa-netolerantni na arbitrazu. Imamo u nasoj grupi jednog momkka koji ga je igrao, nije imao isplatu.
Dragan88Bonus Majstor26. lipnja 2017. u 14:56 #164725
Hvala Vdicu na konkretnom odgovoru. Primetio sam da je klon, jer kada se mrdaju kvote idu kod svih.
Svakako da babi bet ne moze zameniti jedan pinnacle, ali siguran sam da ste svi primetili kurvanje u poslednje vreme od strane pinnacle i smanjivanje payouta na pojedine lige. Veliki deo evropskih play off utakmica nisu imali ponudu na 1/4Q a ponekad ni 1stHalf sto je babibet konstantno imao. Takodje prilikom fluktuacije kvota umeju da zakasne sa poneranjem i budu veci od pinnacle i treba te prednosti iskoristiti. Ova informacija da ne podrzavaju arbitrazu je veoma korisna, a po mom misnjelju veoma cudna jer pokusavaju da kopiraju upravo kuce koje to podrzavaju. Cak sam im poslao mail sa direktnim pitanjem da li podrzavate arbitrazu, na koje mi nisu konkretno odgovorili.
Sto se tice bonusa mislim da tu price nema. Po mom misnjenju uslovi za rollover mogu igrati ulogu, ali ako imate igru na toj kladionici nista nije tesko. Verujem ko radi samo bonushunting da je zamarajuce izvrteti toliki novac za samo 50 eura. -
Vidic26Bonus Majstor26. lipnja 2017. u 15:23 #164726
Ma Nije ttezak uopste bonus ali meni vise ne pada na pamet da ulazim u te bezveze kladionice i da se nerviram radi njihovih 50 eur kad ih mogu na jednom mecu zaraditi za 10 sekundi…A sto se tice pinnaclea, ja sam nedavno postavio 900 eur na wh na kv 3 brazil druga liga i kontru x morao 315 eur u sbo a u pinn 1400 eur, a max je na jednom bio 450. Cim sam na prvi ulozio je pala kv, kad sam ulizio na drugi opet je pala ali kakav god je broj 1 i najjaci i bez njega bi mogli plakati…
underdogAdministrator28. lipnja 2017. u 12:14 #164745
hvala draganu za njegov post… ipak, kako smo već imali otvorenu temu babibet bonus premjestio sam sve postove ovamo
dragane može još koja info, recimo što traže za verifikaciju i kakvi su sa isplatama
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.