Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » Bet52 Bonus
dinnosBonus Majstor23. rujna 2015. u 21:57 #160340
Ima li iko iskustva sa ovom kladom i ovim bonusom? Daju 100% bonus do 250 eura.
100 % Welcome Bonus
This bonus is for first time depositing NEW PLAYERS only. Players already having an account, registered with bet-52,are not eligible for this promotion. 1st Deposit Bonus is valid for Sportsbook only. The Bonus equals to 100% of your deposited amount; the max amount is 250€.
To get your bonus, please, make a deposit – your 1st Deposit Bonus will be credited to your Bonus wallet instantly.
Please note that the First Deposit Bonus is issued only for wagering purposes. The bonuses will be automatically removed from player’s account after a withdrawal request.
In order to claim your winnings, wagered at least 5 times deposit amount, in at least 2 months period on bets with minimum odds of 2.0 or greater, before withdrawal could be accepted or you must wager at least 400% of your deposit and bonus amount with min odd 2.0 .
General Terms and Conditions
Any bonus issued is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of issue unless otherwise stated in the specific promotion. Any remaining/unused bonus and pending winnings at the end of the stated period will be removed from the player’s account.
Any promotion offered is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of offer unless otherwise stated in the specific promotion.
Bonuses are awarded to enhance your enjoyment of our games, however, we reserve the right to govern how bonuses are used before a player is allowed to cash them in. As such, we deem it necessary to restrict certain types of wagering from contributing to the wagering/turn requirements. Any minimal risk wagering will not be allowed to contribute towards bonus wagering requirements. Players deemed to be using minimal risk wagering tactics to redeem their bonuses or cash prizes risk having their bonuses, cash prizes and any subsequent winnings removed.
The bonus will only be issued once per deposit. Wagering requirements for bonuses will apply to an account from the time a bonus is accepted and/or applied to an account.
Bet-52 the right to refuse or withhold a bonus or winnings in the event of funds being cancelled or denied by any payment service.
When receiving a bonus, the player will first play from the bonus wallet, and only then will the player play with the deposited amount.
Bet-52 the right to change the terms and conditions of any promotional offer at any time, and it is the responsibility of the player to periodically check here for changes and updates.
Bet-52 the right to review transaction records and logs from time to time, for any reason whatsoever. If, upon such a review, it appears that a player is participating in strategies that Bet-52, in its sole discretion deems to be abusive, Bet-52
reserves the right to revoke the entitlement of such a player to the promotion.
Furthermore, if upon such review, the players’ practices have been deemed to be ‘Promotion Abuse’, Bet-52 the right to take the following actions, at its sole discretion, against such abusers:
All winnings on any account/s opened will be null and void and all cash-ins will be cancelled where play has been deemed abusive.
Abusing player accounts may be blocked immediately.
Players found to be abusing promotions may be barred from receiving further promotional offers. -
nesasoBonus Majstor23. rujna 2015. u 23:13 #160342
izgleda kao ruska kladonica sa licencom curacao ,ne bih tu ulazio
PatrickBonus Majstor25. rujna 2015. u 0:44 #160347
Neznam za sigurnost ali kvote su dobre,široka ponuda…
Ako ima neko iskustvo sa njima dobro bi bilo da ih podijeli sa nama -
PatrickBonus Majstor26. rujna 2015. u 19:46 #160399
Please note that the First Deposit Bonus is issued only for wagering purposes. The bonuses will be automatically removed from player’s account after a withdrawal request.
In order to claim your winnings, wagered at least 5 times deposit amount, in at least 2 months period on bets with minimum odds of 2.0 or greater, before withdrawal could be accepted or you must wager at least 400% of your deposit and bonus amount with min odd 2.0 .Ako sam ja ovaj dio dobro shvatio,isplata se tek može odraditi posla 60 dana od registracije i prilikom isplate oduzmu iznos bonusa(kao GR88)
Engleski mi nije sjajan pa moolim stručnije kolege za prevod -
dudyBonus Majstor27. rujna 2015. u 9:42 #160405
Ovo bi se možda isplatilo odigrati u slucaju kad bi bonus bio sticky prilikom isplate. Ja zaobilazim b52 za sad
[b]Please note that the First Deposit Bonus is issued only for wagering purposes. The bonuses will be automatically removed from player’s account after a withdrawal request.
In order to claim your winnings, wagered at least 5 times deposit amount, in at least 2 months period on bets with minimum odds of 2.0 or greater, before withdrawal could be accepted or you must wager at least 400% of your deposit and bonus amount with min odd 2.0 .[/b]Ako sam ja ovaj dio dobro shvatio,isplata se tek može odraditi posla 60 dana od registracije i prilikom isplate oduzmu iznos bonusa(kao GR88)
Engleski mi nije sjajan pa moolim stručnije kolege za prevod -
PatrickBonus Majstor27. rujna 2015. u 10:12 #160406
Provjerit ćemo.
Po meni ako oduzimaju bonus praktično oni ništa ne gube a privući će dosta igrača i uplata zbog bonusa kojeg daju za igranje.Zbog toga mislim da bi trebali biti pouzdani,bar u početku jer se ne razbacivaju s novcem
A s druge strane možda bi se i isplatilo ući(ko ima love viška) ako je sigurno jer se na ove kvote mogu koristiti kao Pini ili Maraton a postoji mogućnost (oko 50%) da kod njih padneš na 0,tj odneseš bonus sa sobom 🙂Možda se ja žrtvujem malo,kao probni kunić 🙂
dudyBonus Majstor27. rujna 2015. u 11:43 #160407
bilo je ok bonus kod bet770 – novo ime netbet-a tamo je kod isplate bonus uvijek bio na računu pa se moglo isplatiti pa ponovno pokušati izgubit. Ok, super ako uletiš javi dojmove..mora netko prvi 🙂
Provjerit ćemo.
Po meni ako oduzimaju bonus praktično oni ništa ne gube a privući će dosta igrača i uplata zbog bonusa kojeg daju za igranje.Zbog toga mislim da bi trebali biti pouzdani,bar u početku jer se ne razbacivaju s novcem
A s druge strane možda bi se i isplatilo ući(ko ima love viška) ako je sigurno jer se na ove kvote mogu koristiti kao Pini ili Maraton a postoji mogućnost (oko 50%) da kod njih padneš na 0,tj odneseš bonus sa sobom 🙂Možda se ja žrtvujem malo,kao probni kunić 🙂
dinnosBonus Majstor28. rujna 2015. u 16:24 #160411
Podrska na nasem jeziku 🙂
Poslao sam im mail na engleskom i dobio odgovor na nasem. To ej dobar znak.
ja mislim uci sa nekih 50 eura. Samo cekam odgovore na neka pitanja oko bonusa, da mi razjasne.
Javim se sta sam uradio.
PatrickBonus Majstor28. rujna 2015. u 20:30 #160416
I ja isto čekam da mi razjasne da li se može isplatiti po ispunjenju uslova ili tek posle 60 dana igre. Jedno kažu na chatu a drugo piše u uslovima
dinnosBonus Majstor28. rujna 2015. u 21:21 #160420
Ja sam pitao za ovo da li nakon ispunjenja uslova povlace bonus sa racuna.
Samo su mi rekli da bonus okrenes 5x na min kvotu 2.0. Znaci ako ulozis 100 eura i dobijes 100 eura, treba okrenuti 500 eura na min kvotu 2.00 ili vecu.
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.