Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » BetAdonis Bonus
BonusmaniacAdministrator2. prosinca 2014. u 14:13 #157055
Pozdrav Majstorima,
Evo još jedna klada Betadonis, ima promocije iz kojih bi se dalo izvući nešto para. is operated and managed by OddsMatrix Ltd, a company bearing registration number C44411, and having its registered address at Suite 4, Num. 62/63 Morina Court, George Borg Olivier Street, St.Julians, STJ 1081, Malta. OddsMatrix Ltd. is licensed and regulated by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority of Malta ( in virtue of a Class 1 license numbered LGA/CL1/497/2010
Sportske Promocije su
%25 First Deposit Bonus
Betadonis members who deposit for the first time will receive a bonus of 25% of their deposit. The qualifying deposit is min. 5EUR / 10USD and max. 350EUR / 500USD. The bonus have to be rolled over for 14 times with at least 2.00 odds before it becomes withdrawable. Betadonis reseves the rights to cancel the bonus and forfeit the winnings in case of bonus abuse. We reserve the rights to change the bonus rules without prior information.%20 Lost Bonus
Deposit 30 EUR /50 USD and max 1000 EURO/1500 USD in total within 24 hours and if you lose all the money in Sport bets or Casino we will award you a 20% Sports bonus. If you withdraw or have pending withdrawals after your last deposit, you are not eligible for bonus.You are requested to roll the bonus 5 times at 2.00 odds in order to make it withdrawable. To receive the bonus players must enter the chapter “Request Bonus” in their account within 48 hours after last deposit and choose the type of bonus. If your request is made later than 48 hours after losing the money, you will not be eligible for the bonus. Betadonis reserves the rights to cancel any bonus and forfeit the winnings if it was subject to bonus abuse. We reserve the rights to change the rules of the bonus without prior information.Ako je netko igrao kod njih neka napiše iskustva 😉
nesasoBonus Majstor2. prosinca 2014. u 15:31 #157061
ako kazes da bi se dalo izvuci novac bilo bi dobro da si to vec proverio umesto sto ih samo reklamiras preko affiliate linkova 🙂
PatrickBonus Majstor8. veljače 2015. u 3:11 #158171
Ja sam igrao i uzimao ovaj drugi bonus i izgledaju mi vrlo profesionalno:
– korisnička služba brza
– bonus uredno dodijeljen
– radio isplatu 2 puta na skrill,novac legao u roku 2 sata bez traženja dokumentacije (iznosi do 500 e)
– Jedina mana ne baš veliki limit na opkladamaS moje strane sve pohvale
nesasoBonus Majstor8. veljače 2015. u 20:21 #158186
samo se kladjenje sa bonusom racuna u rollover.
PatrickBonus Majstor8. veljače 2015. u 20:31 #158188
Ne znam.
Ja sam ulazio i dobijao ovaj LOST DEPOZIT BONUS.
Posleizgubljenog depozita vratili mi 20% na račun,to izrolao 5x i to je to (ukupno mislim oko 250) -
PatrickBonus Majstor1. ožujka 2015. u 21:43 #158676
samo se kladjenje sa bonusom racuna u rollover.
Da li si bonus dobio odmah po uplati depozita?
Jesi li izrolao i radio isplatu? -
nesasoBonus Majstor1. ožujka 2015. u 21:48 #158680
87e max bonus dobijes cim uplatis izrolao isplata legla cine mi se ok
PatrickBonus Majstor1. ožujka 2015. u 21:55 #158684
Pa dobro.Jesu li ti limitirali opklade mnogo?
nesasoBonus Majstor1. ožujka 2015. u 22:04 #158686
Pa dobro.Jesu li ti limitirali opklade mnogo?
pa rekoh ti zavisi ako si vec bio limitiran na email inace ne limitiraju,mozes da vidis max bet pre uplate,meni je bio limit oko 30e na premijer liku npr
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.