Canbet Bonus

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  • #153986

    I mene zanima dali netko zna ima li kakvih novosti vezanih uz canbet?
    Cekam isplatu od polovice 9 mjeseca..

    Pozdrav ekipo! Onaj kome je Canbet dužan lovu Može ispuniti e-peticiju. Vidim da je 80 ljudi već ispunilo.


    > e-petition Canbet

  • #154010

    Mail od prije par dana:

    Dear Canbet Clients

    We are writing to update you on your client withdrawal that is still outstanding and explain the reason behind the delay. As has been previously reported during the last quarter of 2013 an issue occurred in the Canbet IT system that was related to a number of bonuses and promotions that were offered to our clients. This issue has been fully investigated and the outcome that resulted left a discrepancy between what management believed were the client balances and what the actual balances were.

    At the end December as the full extent of this procedure was becoming clear, the step was taken to cease trading until the problem was completely identified. During January we were able to ascertain the full extent of what has taken place and as such there was a cash deficit within Canbet Sports Bookmakers UK Ltd.

    This has occurred through the issuing of the cash bonuses which far outweighed the sum of cash deposits, therefore creating a “bubble effect” within our customer balances. Once discovered, the preference of the Directors of the company was to work with the shareholders to increase the capital within the company that would alleviate the problem and pay out the existing claims. The directors initially hoped that the parent company would reach agreement amongst the shareholders for this to occur, but unfortunately agreement could not be reached with the majority shareholder. We acknowledge that we had made previous statements that were made on the belief that these funds would be forthcoming and apologise for the inconveniences that this has caused. Such statements were made in good faith.

    As such, the Directors over the last week have taken the steps to engage and work with a business asset agent to liquidate assets from within Canbet and its associated companies to recoup the funds to pay you and other clients. We wish to stress at this point in time that the directors of Canbet are doing everything possible to ensure that you are paid.

    The UK Gambling Commission have continually been updated with our progress and have been advised of the direction that the directors have taken and are aware of the circumstances that have led to this decision. They also have diligently sought information from the company’s independent auditors and legal counsel ensuring that the facts that have been portrayed can be verified. They have also received a copy of this letter.

    Finally, we wish to acknowledge that this experience has caused a lot of angst and anger amongst the Canbet customers. This has not been deliberate in any shape or form and we look forward to reaching a satisfactory outcome.

    In summary, we reiterate that we have not abandoned Canbet or its clients and are working towards the objective of full payout of legitimate claims.


    Board of Directors
    Canbet Sports Bookmakers UK Ltd

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