Bonus Majstori » Forum » Iz dana u dan » Matchbook promocije
ivankoBonus Majstor28. studenoga 2013. u 6:24 #152782
Bez provizije na nogomet u razdoblju od 2.12.2013. do 1.4.2014.!
0% soccer promotion
a.. From the 2nd December, 2013 at 12pm GMT until 12pm GMT on the 1st April, 2014, Matchbook will charge 0% commission on all bets placed on soccer markets.
b.. Offer applies to users who registered on the website and who subsequently place their bets through the website or mobile interface only.
c.. Accounts that place bets through the API (Application Programming Interface) will not be eligible for the promotion. Similarly, accounts that place bets using automated trading software or any automated process will not be eligible.
d.. Accounts with access to, or use of, Matchbook’s VIP services will not be eligible for the promotion.
e.. Offer applies to all soccer markets including both pre-game and live bets.
f.. Bets placed outside of the dates of the promotion but settled during the promotion period, may be subject to normal commission charges.
g.. The promoter of this offer is Triplebet Limited, and players are subject to Matchbook’s general Terms and Conditions. Normal KYC rules apply for all accounts.
h.. Triplebet reserves the right to charge the normal soccer commission rates to any account that is deemed to be abusing the terms of the promotion.
i.. Triplebet reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions and/or terminate this promotion at any time.
j.. In the event of any dispute, Triplebet’s decision is final in all matters. -
amburatorBonus Majstor29. studenoga 2013. u 1:58 #152794
Kakva sjajna vest!
Ja nisam dobio mail ali nadam se da ce ova ponuda da vazi za sve korisnike! -
KlintBonus Majstor5. kolovoza 2015. u 11:14 #160029
Imao sam loša iskustva sa matchbookom, pa da podjelim.
Uveli su novo pravilo i sad računaju rating accounta i ako je rating ispod neke granice uzimaju 2% isplate. Formula za rating je (plaćena_provizija) / (ukupno_depozita * 2.5%) i mora bit >1.1 za besplatnu isplatu. Ukratko, za svakih 100€ depozita, treba se platit minimalno 2.75€ provizije da bi se taj rating održao iznad 1.1. Konkretno u mom slučaju, trebam im platit još 630€ provizije (1% na profit ili liability) da bi ponovno imao pravo na besplatnu isplatu. Znači uveli su novo pravilo, ali rating računaju na temelju svih dosadašnjih depozita i plaćenih provizija što dovodi do toga da ja sada imam hendikepiran account.
Osim toga tvrde da su svima poslali mailove gdje ih obavještavaju o promjenama, ali naravno da nisu (barem meni), što isto nije korektno jer onda sigurno nebi napravio 1100€ depozita na koje moram platit 22€ provizije kod isplate.Čak i da su krenuli računat rating samo na temelju novih transakcije, svejedno je dosta rigorozno pravilo.
Na primjer: Ako napravimo depozit 400€, trebamo platit 11€ prozivije za besplatnu isplatu.
Sad ako odigramo lay na 100€ koef 5.0, liability je tu 400€, ali provizija je samo 1€ na tu okladu i znači da trebamo odigrat takvih 11 oklada da bi imali bespatnu isplatu. Sve ovisi o koeficijentu koji se igra, ja u principu igram veće koeficijente i ovo mi se uopće ne sviđa.U svakom slučaju platio sam im 38€ provizije i ne vide me više. Ostali prije uplate na matchbook dobro proučite uvjete i provjerite koji vam je rating accounta da bi vidili dali vam se isplati igrat kod njih.
Gost5. kolovoza 2015. u 11:39 #160031
Nikad cuo za to, mora da je novo, a ni mail nikakav nisam dobio…
Edit: Prije su mi stavrno svakakve mailove slali, ankete itd jer sam bio jedan od aktivnijih korisnika i koristio sam geeks i support im je stvarno bio odlican tako da sam im sad poslao mail da vidim o cemu se tu zapravo radi jer ovo nisam jos nigdje naso a procitao sam cijelu stranicu prije par mjeseci. Ako su nesto mijenjali onda su definitivno trebali poslat mail.
Ocito im fali para…
KlintBonus Majstor5. kolovoza 2015. u 12:02 #160033
Pogledaj pod Fees and Charges da su mi rating počeli računat od nule kad su uveli to pravilo, još bi razmislio i možda smanjio intenzitet uplata/isplata da održim rating, ovako ne dolazi u obzir.
underdogAdministrator10. rujna 2016. u 16:01 #162921
svaki vikend u rujnu Matchbook ima 0% komisiju na kompletnu ponudu uživo na sve utakmice premier lige subotom u 16:00
BonusmaniacAdministrator24. studenoga 2016. u 23:23 #163426
desetka lagana
> Hi,
> With 3 games and plenty of turkey on offer it’s gotta be Thanksgiving Day Football.
> Tonight’s action sees Minnesota Vikings at Detroit Lions, Washington Redskins at Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers at Indianapolis Colts and we are BEST PRICE on a massive 5 out of 6 of the teams in action.
> We’re in a giving mood today and we’re giving you a Risk – Free Bet on Sundays Football up to £10:
> Just place a bet on each of todays games, minimum stake of £10 on each and get a £10 RFB on Sundays action. *
> With the NFL segment of the Matchbook Weekly Betting Podcast , our best price markets and our Thanksgiving Day Betting Preview, Matchbook is the leading line for NFL.
> Best of Luck,
> Matchbook -
underdogAdministrator31. prosinca 2016. u 16:07 #163635
dobio na mail… puni uvjeti na hxxxs:// iz kojih se ne da razumjeti da li vrijede samo za primatelje poruke
Risk Free Bet On The Premier League
Place a bet on any 3 of Saturdays Premier League games and get a Risk Free Bet to use on Premier League action tomorrow- This offer only applies to Matchbook customers who place a back bet on at least 3 of the 7 Premier League Games (Burnley FC v Sunderland, Man United v Middlesbrough, Swansea City v Bournemouth, Chelsea v Stoke City, Southampton v West Brom, Leicester City v West Ham, Liverpool v Man. City) on Saturday 31st of December 2016.
- Each back bet must be for a minimum stake of £25 or more to qualify for the Risk Free Bet Promotion.
- Bets must be back bets and must be placed at odds of 1.5 or greater
- Users who place lay bets in the same market as their qualifying back bet will not be eligible for the offer.
- Risk free bet must be a back bet.
- Maximum refund awarded per customer will be £10.
- Risk-Free bet can be placed on any Premier League market on Sunday the 1st of January 2017 and must be placed at odds of 3.0 or less to qualify for the offer.
- Risk-Free Bet will be taken as the first bet you place on an a Premier League market on the 1st of January 2017.
- Odds quoted in these terms are in decimal format.
- Funds must be risked on the exchange and cannot be bet against your own account. Similarly, void bets do not qualify for this offer.
- All risk-free bet refunds will be credited on Tuesday January 3rd.
- Only one risk-free bet offer per household/IP address or device.
- Offer applies to users of the interface only.
- Offer applies to “retail” customers only. Agency accounts do not qualify for this promotion.
- The promoter of this offer is Triplebet Limited, and players are subject to Matchbook’s general Terms and Conditions. In the event of any dispute, Triplebet’s decision is final in all matters. Normal KYC rules apply for all accounts.
- Triplebet Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions or terminate this promotion at any time.
underdogAdministrator24. travnja 2017. u 11:34 #164055
Commission Free Horse Racing
From April 23rd to May 17th we will be offering Commission Free Horse Racing to all customers from Sunday to Wednesday every week.
This offer only applies to Matchbook customers who have registered for an account on or through one of our native mobile applications, and access the service through our user interfaces (websites and mobile apps) on any Horse Racing betting market during the Promotional Days from 23rd April 2017 to 17th May 2017 (the ‘Promotional Period’).
This offer only applies to bets placed between Sunday 00:00 BST to Wednesday 23:59 BST (the ‘Promotional Days’). For avoidance of doubt, this offer is only valid on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays during the Promotional Period.
Place any bets on Horse Racing during the Promotional Period, and you will be charged no commission at the time they are matched in respect of those bets (0% Commission).
Any bets placed may be back bets or lay bets, and may be placed at any odds.
Bets placed outside of the Promotional Days will not be eligible for this offer.
Bets placed outside of the Promotional Days but settled during the Promotional Days will not be eligible for this offer.
Bets placed on Horse Ante Post markets will not be eligible for this promotion.
Any and all withdrawals by participants in this promotion are subject to Matchbook’s standard withdrawals’ processing costs as set out at URL For the avoidance of doubt, customers who deposit using an e-wallet may be subject to the same.
This offer only applies to Matchbook Exchange customers who access Matchbook through our user interfaces (websites and mobile apps). Customers who access Matchbook through an API will not be eligible for this offer.
Funds must be risked on the Matchbook Exchange, and cannot be bet against your own account.
Duplicate accounts will not qualify for this offer. Only ‘one new account offer’ per person, household address, email address, debit/credit card number, or IP address is allowed.
Any customer who is deemed in Matchbook’s sole discretion to be abusing these promotional terms and conditions will not be eligible for the 0% Commission Rate and that account will be set to a standard rate of Commission for the remainder of the Promotional Period.
The promoter of this offer is Triplebet Limited, and players are subject to Matchbook’s standard Terms and Conditions.
In the event of any dispute, Triplebet Limited’s decision is final in all matters.
Triplebet Limited reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and/or to terminate this promotion at any time. -
underdogAdministrator23. lipnja 2017. u 16:03 #164671
dobio na mail:
We have got a Royal offer for you on day 4 of Ascot:
We are giving you a £25 Risk-Free Bet on Aidan O Brien’s 1000 Guineas winner, Winter.
Winter is expected to continue her dominance over a mile against the fillies in the Coronation Stakes and is currently 1.52* to do so.
Place the bet with your own funds and if it loses we will refund your stake up to £25.
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