Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » MobiLbet Bonus
BonusmaniacAdministrator10. rujna 2014. u 13:36 #156161
Odična ponuda na odličnoj kladionici Mobilbet koja je u vlasništvu istog vlasnika koji posjeduje i ComeOn kladionicu – Co-Gaming Limited. Mobilbet je totalni klon Comeon klade i sve je identično kao i kod Comeon-a (sakupljanje bodova i ostalo). Oni koji igraju na comeon znaju sve a oni koji planiraju otvoriti račun i uzeti bonus stanje je slijedeće. Za bonus otvorite račun preko linka u postu, skrill i neteller uplate ne vrijede za bonus – za bonus je potrabno uplatiti jednom od kartica. Prije uplate potrebno se je registrirati i izvršiti verifikaciju email adrese i broja mobilnog telefona (upiše se broj u polje i stisne tipka send code) kad dobijete kod na mob potrebno ga je upisati u polje i to je to. Ponekad se zna dešavati da im sustav šteka i da nemožete primiti kod na mobitel u tom slučaju treba kontakrirati live chat pa možete verificirati broj mobitela preko njih…operater vam pošalje neku riječ na mob a vi mu to napišete.. Nakon verifikacije napravite uplatu i to tako da stisnete tipku welcome bonus 200% i obavezno klinuti na tipku za prihvaćanje bonusa, uplata i 200% bonus sjeda na bonus račun. Odlično je što nije sva lova zaključana i uvijek se dio može podignuti prije izvršenja rollovera.. Rollover je 5 puta depozit i bonus sa dva ishoda na listiću gdje je svaka
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Bonus Uvjeti:
- 200% deposit bonus. Deposit €10 and bet with €30!
- You can achieve the requirements of this bonus by placing bets on both the
- odds and casino. All allowed bets towards the wagering requirements will
- help you win the bonus amount and credit the unlocked balance on your
- account.
- Wagering on games in the Casino
- You must wager 40 x (your deposit + bonus amount) to fulfil the requirements
- of this bonus.
- Example: If you deposit €10, you will get a balance of €30 including bonus.
- Then you must wager 40x (10+20) = €1200 the Casino .
- Be aware that the wagering requirements can vary on what game you play. One
- game may have lower turnover requirements than others, but the total
- wagering requirement must be achieved regardless. To see a complete list of
- what percentage each game contributes towards the wagering requirement,
- please login to your account and click on ”View Details ” under “Available
- Bonusess”.
- The minimum and maximum deposit for this bonus is €10 or the equivalent in
- another currency.
- Wagering requirements for sports betting
- You must wager 5x (your deposit + bonus amount) to fulfil the requirements
- of this bonus.
- The lowest odds for each bet: 1.8
- Only doubles will wager your bonus.
- General terms and conditions for the bonus
- Offer valid for new customers who registered between 21/05/14 and 31/05/15
- 23:59 CET.
- Bonuses that are not wagered before 23:59 GMT 30/06/15 will be removed from
- the player’s account. If a bonus is interrupted with outstanding open bets
- placed with bonus money, bonus money is removed from your original bet.
- The following payment methods can not be used in order to activate the
- bonus: Paysafe, Skrill or Neteller.
- Void/duplicate bets do not count. Duplicate bets are defined as having the
- same selection, price or stake as a previous bet.
- Bonuses are at sole discretion of Mobilbet. Users found to be using
- duplicate accounts will not qualify.
- Mobilbet maintain a strict policy of only one account per customer and use
- internal security systems to identify these. To avoid abuse we reserve the
- right, in our sole discretion, to refuse to provide bonuses in one or more
- of the following circumstances: (1) accounts sharing IP addresses (2)
- accounts belonging to the same family and/or household (3) accounts sharing
- a common contact detail or identifier (e.g. email address, telephone number,
- credit/debit card number or other payment method (4) multiple accounts
- belonging to the same person (5) breach of any of our bonus terms and
- conditions (6) evidence of collusion between customers in placing of bets.
- This offer and all Mobilbet offers are limited to one per person, family,
- household address, email address, telephone number and shared computer.
- Sharing of Mobilbet accounts or controlling more than one account is not
- allowed. This offer and other promotions are intended for recreational
- players only. Mobilbet reserves in its sole discretion the right to withdraw
- bonuses and resulting profits and keep deposits to cover any losses if any
- term of promotion is breached.
- Residents of the following countries are not eligible for this offer:
- Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia,
- Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Portugal, Romania,
- Russian Federation, Spain, Ukraine. In case it is noted that this bonus is
- being abused in any way, the bonus will be forfeited and any funds on the
- players account will be frozen. Furthermore, the customer account may be
- closed by Mobilbet at its own discretion.
matija69Bonus Majstor10. rujna 2014. u 21:58 #156163
hvala na bonusu maniac :side:
Uplatio sam svih 30 eura na single, prošlo mi 🙂 radio sam underlay i sad imam 28 eura 20 bonus i 8 extra od underlay-a. Neće biti problema što sam plasirao single okladu?Nema leba bez motike
BonusmaniacAdministrator11. rujna 2014. u 8:10 #156164
hvala na bonusu maniac :side:
Uplatio sam svih 30 eura na single, prošlo mi 🙂 radio sam underlay i sad imam 28 eura 20 bonus i 8 extra od underlay-a. Neće biti problema što sam plasirao single okladu?Možeš slobodno igrati single samo što ti neće ulaziti u rollover.
dudyBonus Majstor11. rujna 2014. u 12:06 #156167
Vrlo lepi bonusić))) thnks
mareBonus Majstor11. rujna 2014. u 23:47 #156171
Maniac da li znaš da li mogu uplatit pre paid karticom MC i da li ide bonus za takvu uplatu? Od skrilla ne prolazi
Zabranjeno Kockanje
BonusmaniacAdministrator12. rujna 2014. u 8:38 #156175
Maniac da li znaš da li mogu uplatit pre paid karticom MC i da li ide bonus za takvu uplatu? Od skrilla ne prolazi
U kojoj si banci? Sa prepaid master cardom od erste banke možeš uplatiti, također se može uplatiti sa prepaid master cardom od zabe (mora biti ime na kartici obično im je limit do 1000kn što je dovoljno)zaba ima i pre paid karticu na kojima nema imena takvom ne možeš uplatiti na kladionce
maljavaprsaBonus Majstor15. rujna 2014. u 22:31 #156205
moram pohvalit ovu kladionicu. isplata bez čat predobar..koeficijenti često manje nego na pinnaclu 0.5 jedinice a nalazio sam i više koef. nego na pinnacleu.
Danas sam dobio 25 free spinova jer sam odigrao double na jednom listiću..izgelda da ova ponuda ide svaki ponedjeljak.. odličn
Claim 25 freespins on Millionaire’s Monday
The first million is always the hardest? Not so on Millionaire’s Monday, where we give away 25 freespins on Mega Fortune. Simply place a €25 combo bet with minimum odds of 1.8 and you will immediately receive a total of 25 chances to hit the jackpot. It’s that easy.
BonusmaniacAdministrator16. rujna 2014. u 11:25 #156211
Da, za sad im to ide svaki ponedjeljak i najbitnije je da novac iz besplatnih casino spinova odmah sjeda na račun i moguće ga je isplatiti
moram pohvalit ovu kladionicu. isplata bez čat predobar..koeficijenti često manje nego na pinnaclu 0.5 jedinice a nalazio sam i više koef. nego na pinnacleu.
Danas sam dobio 25 free spinova jer sam odigrao double na jednom listiću..izgelda da ova ponuda ide svaki ponedjeljak.. odličn
Claim 25 freespins on Millionaire’s Monday
The first million is always the hardest? Not so on Millionaire’s Monday, where we give away 25 freespins on Mega Fortune. Simply place a €25 combo bet with minimum odds of 1.8 and you will immediately receive a total of 25 chances to hit the jackpot. It’s that easy.
maljavaprsaBonus Majstor19. rujna 2014. u 12:49 #156272
Ako nekom zatreba za rollover
Moilbet Newcastle sutra 2.20 – Pinnacle 2.16
Moilbet Liverpol 1.83 – Pinnacle 1.833Ja odigrao Newcastle u kombinaciji sam njemačkom 2. sad je kvota na mobiletu pala ali je bila jača u odnosu na pinnacle za 0.10
matija69Bonus Majstor21. rujna 2014. u 0:50 #156290
pozz svima
vjerovatno će maniac ili netko znati KOJE SU TOČNO NAGRADE U SHOPU i koliko bodova koštaju?. nisam još završio obrtanje bonusa a imam preko 4000 BODOVA
hvalaNema leba bez motike
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.