Bonus Majstori » Forum » Casino i ostalo » Ostale Risk Free Promocije
dudyBonus Majstor23. svibnja 2014. u 11:17 #155137
Često ima dosta risk free ponuda i na drugim kladionicama pa sam otvorio novu temu.
Stan james kladionica ima 5 bez rizika za sutra i prekosutra
1. This promotion will run between 00:00 Saturday 24th to 23:59 Sunday 25th May 2014. (Promotional Period).
2. To take part in this promotion, players must have opened an account in one of the following currencies: GBP, USD and EURO have the account set to receive correspondence and have their chosen language as UK English.
2. A minimum deposit of £5 is required during the promotional period, in order to qualify for this promotion.
3. To qualify for a bonus you must wager £5 on Football Star on web, mobile or tablet only during the promotional period. Wagering on any other game will not count towards this promotion.
4. The minimum and maximum bonus award is £5.
5. Bonuses will be credited as cash within 24 hours of the promotional period ending and will be based on total stakes on Football Star during the promotional period up to £5.
6. All amounts stated in the terms and conditions are in GBP, any bonuses in EURO and USD will be based upon the currency equivalent of the GBP value.
7. Free spins/bonuses can only be received once per account/person/household/IP address during a promotional period unless otherwise stated.
8. The promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer and only one (1) bonus offer can be claimed per person.
9. If believes that any player is abusing the spirit of these promotions then we may refuse or reclaim bonus payments.
10. reserves the right to change, alter or discontinue this promotion at any time. In the event of any dispute the decision of Casino will be considered final.
11. reserves the right to refuse any promotional offer to any player for any reason, or to withdraw an offer at any time (and for any reason) without notice. -
dardugaBonus Majstor24. svibnja 2014. u 0:00 #155149
Pozdrav: xxx (Kladiteljski broj računa: xxx)
Nova akcija povrata novca!
Ove subote, ljubitelji nogometa iz cijelog svijeta uperit će oči prema Lisabonu. Svi jedva čekaju finale Lige prvaka! Tko je Vaš favorit, xxx? Ekipa koja je izbacila Bayern, Real iz Madrida, ili njihov gradski rival Atlético?
KLADITE SE SADA!Super akcija povrata novca za finale!
Prijavite se na svoj kladiteljski račun i postavite svoj tip za finale! Vaša prednost kod nas: ako izgubite okladu, dobit ćete natrag svoj ulog. Tako se možete kladiti besplatno i bez rizika!Važno: za sudjelovanje u ovoj ekskluzivnoj akciji povrata novca, nužno je kliknuti na ovu poveznicu.
Sudjelujte sada!
Izgubili ste okladu? Nema problema!
26. svibnja Vaš ulog će biti vraćen na Vaš račun (do maksimalno 50 EUR). Što još čekate? Iskoristite naše dodavanje i profitirajte iz ove ponude!Želim Vam uzbudljivo finale Lige prvaka
Pravila i uvjeti sudjelovanja:
Ova ponuda je dostupna samo za Vas osobno, za bilo koju pojedinačnu okladu na finale 2014. UEFA Lige prvaka (igra se: 24. svibnja).
Kako biste sudjelovali u ovoj ponudi, morate kliknuti na poveznicu u ovoj poruci. Ponuda važi samo ukoliko ste okladu plasirali nakon primitka ovog newslettera.
Kod postavljanja više oklada, računa se prva postavljena oklada. Izuzetak: napišite nam poruku na [email protected] prije početka utakmice i kažite nam koju od svojih oklada želite prijaviti za ovu akciju.
Ukoliko oklada bude gubitna, 26. svibnja ćete dobiti povrat novca u obliku bonusa od maksimalno 50 EUR.
Isplata bonus povrata novca bit će moguća nakon što iznos bonusa uložite jedanput na tikete s minimalnim koeficijentom od 1.50. -
dudyBonus Majstor24. svibnja 2014. u 2:10 #155150
Kad si to dobio?:)
Ja ocekujem 50% do 200 eura za Sp kao i svake godine:) -
dardugaBonus Majstor24. svibnja 2014. u 11:14 #155155
19.05. su slali nekima mailove.
Inaće i Unibet je nekima slao mailove povodom finala Lige Prvaka pa ko ima kartice neka provjeri mailove tj. račune… -
BastardBonus Majstor24. svibnja 2014. u 18:50 #155161
Kad si to dobio?:)
Ja ocekujem 50% do 200 eura za Sp kao i svake godine:)Email je od 19.05. za dosta stare račune.
Ja bi za SP 100% do 200 EUR 🙂Even when I lose I'm winning !
dearr733Moderator10. lipnja 2014. u 17:52 #155384
Betfair u sekciji Arcade ima risk free ponudu od 5 eura na slotovima. Akcija traje do podneva u petak 13.06.2014.
Povrat love će upisati u petak 13.06.2014.Betfair’s Arcade “Risk free in Rio”
This promotion is open to all Betfair customers.
This offer is limited to one account per customer – meaning one per family, household address, IP address, email address, telephone number, payment account number (e.g. debit or credit card, neteller etc), and shared computer, e.g. public library or workplace.
What do I need to do?To qualify, you must first opt-in by logging in when prompted to do so on the promotional landing page. You then simply need to play any Arcade slot wager between 09:00:00 GMT on June 10th 2014 and midday GMT on 13th June 2013 (the promotional period).
How does the promotion work?Should you incur any overall net losses during the promotional period, we will refund these to the tune of 100%, up to a maximum of £/5 or currency equivalent in cash credited to your main Betfair wallet.
When will I receive my refund?If you incurred an overall net loss during the promotional period, your cash refund will be credited on 13th June.
Is there anything else I need to know?This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer and any wagering using the free bet will not count towards the requirements of any other offer.
Standard Arcade Promotional Terms and Conditions apply.
mareBonus Majstor27. lipnja 2014. u 22:03 #155489
Bwin pogledajte poštu
Igra s našim dealerima uživo najbliža je autentičnoj atmosferi kasina koju možete doživjeti direktno iz vlastitog doma!
Isprobajte igru s dealerima uživo besplatno s ovim bonusom od EUR 5,00 € – uplata nije potrebna.
Vaš bwin timZabranjeno Kockanje
dudyBonus Majstor17. kolovoza 2014. u 18:48 #155910
5€ free bonus bez rollovera na lsbet kladionici
Click HERE to pick up 5 USD for the Terminator 2 slot with 0x WAGERING -
dudyBonus Majstor29. studenoga 2014. u 0:30 #157026
24hbet risk free
Our Live Casino is going wild for the last three days of November. We are giving a €10 risk-free bet to every player! Here’s how it works:
Log into our Live Casino
Place a minimum bet of €10 on the Circus Roulette Table
Your first bet will be refunded up to €10 if it losesPLAY NOW
The Circus Roulette Table will be available between 14:00 and 22:00 CET on 28th, 29th and 30th November.
The refund will be credited to the qualifying customers’ accounts on 1st December no later than 17:00 CET.
Happy spinning!
Best regards,
24hBet -
dudyBonus Majstor30. prosinca 2014. u 17:32 #157627
10 eura bez rizika na redbetovom circus deara i ostale koji ganjaju casino, ovo je po meni jako dobro jer vraćaju keš lovu
Play Roulette without the risk of losing! Log in and play Circus Roulette in Casino Red’s
Live Games this week and get your first bet refunded if you lose.HOW TO PARTICIPATE:
The Circus Roulette table will be open between 16:00-23:59 CET on the 29th, 30th and 31st of December.
If your first bet on the Circus Roulette table incurs a net loss of €10 or more you will get €10 refunded into your account.
The refund will be €10 cash and paid out on 2nd of January, no later than 17:00 CET.Standard terms & conditions apply.
- The offer is valid on the Circus Roulette table on the 29th, 30th and 31st December between 16:00-23:59 CET.
- The risk free bet is only valid on the first bet on Circus Roulette. No subsequent bets will qualify for the cashback.
- To qualify for the risk free bet the first bet on the Circus Roulette table has to have incurred a net loss of €10 or more, should the net loss on the first spin be below €10 it will not be considered as an eligible game round to receive the cash back offer.
- A minimum first bet of €10 must be placed in order to qualify.
- This promotion is only valid once over the three day period.
- No opt in is required to participate in the Circus promotion.
- The refund will be credited to your account on 2nd January no later than 17:00 CET.
- The refund will be €10 cash.
- This offer can only be used once by each household, family, address, e-mail address, IP-address and Player’s Accounts which are used from computers in public environments (such as schools, workplaces and libraries).
- Redbet reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the promotion at any time.
- This offer cannot be combined with any other offer, such as a deposit bonus or the use of free spins money to bet on the roulette.
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.