Bonus Majstori » Forum » Sportski Bonusi za sve » PARIMATCH
Vidic26Bonus Majstor24. siječnja 2017. u 18:02 #163705
Bonus offer is available only for new customers of “PariMatch” who registered between 1.01.2017 and 31.01.2017 and activated the bonus during the registration process.
To participate in the bonus program, you must fund your account with one payment for the minimum amount of 10 USD (US Dollar) / 100 UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia) / 500 RUB (Russian ruble) / 150 MDL (MDL ) / 20 GEL (Georgian lari) / 9 EUR (Euro) / 5000 KZT (Kazakhstan tenge) / 15 AZN (Azerbaijani manat) / 100 TMT (Turkmen manat) / 70 The TJS (somoni) / 20 PLN (Polish zloty) within 7 days of the date of registration.
The maximum bonus amount is 25 USD (US Dollar) / 500 UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia) / 2500 RUB (Russian ruble) / 750 MDL (MDL) / 100 GEL (Georgian lari) / 25 EUR (Euro) / 25 000 KZT (Kazakhstan tenge) / 75 AZN (Azerbaijani manat) / 500 TMT (Turkmen manat) / 350 The TJS (somoni) / 200 PLN (Polish zloty).
Offer is valid only for the first deposit to your game account.
Bonus funds will be credited within 72 hours of when the first deposit is made.
In order to withdraw the bonus funds amount (+100% for deposit), you must bet them ten times with odds of not less 1.5. The amount of each of the 10 bets must be equal to the bonus amount.
The bonus is won back if the account balance is less than the amount of minimum bet amount in the game account currency or all bonus conditions are satisfied.
While wagering, real money will be debited first, and then the bonus.
The option to cash out the betting account will be temporarily limited until the bonus conditions are fulfilled.
The bonus offer can be used only once.
In case the deposit is partially or fully transferred to other products (Casino, Poker, BetGames), according to the bonus terms, the Company reserves the right to refuse to provide the client with a bonus.
The bonus is awarded on condition of the availability of a deposit in the account. If the deposit is withdrawn before the bonus is credited, the Company reserves the right to refuse to award the bonus funds to the client.
Bonus funds credited to the client account can be used only for bets on sports events.
The client automatically agrees to the terms and conditions of this promotional offer during activation the bonus at the time of registration
The possibility to refuse the bonus funds is only present on the stage of registration while activation of bonus offer.
The bonus is available only for one betting account per person, family, apartment, computer or IP address. In the case of suspected fraud committed through multiple registrations (fake account, playgroups), PariMatch will void the bonus and winnings owed to the user. The bonus will be removed and all bonuses and winnings may be annulled at the time the second account is registered.
Company reserves the right to annul the bonus and to refuse the client services without explanation if any suspicion of violation of the honesty of the game or the use of strategies that Company in its sole discretion deems to be fraudulent arises at the time of registration. In any disputes, the decision of the Company’s authorized officials shall be final.
These terms and conditions may be changed and amended during the period of the Campaign or at any other time. -
Vidic26Bonus Majstor2. veljače 2017. u 19:31 #163734
Ljudi, ne ulazite u ovu kladionicu ako Boga znate. Na tri imena udjem, i na svakom razlicit limit od pocetka, na jednom 45, na drugom 30 i jednom 9. Normalno, sve razlicito, cak i druge drzave, nista povezano i igras mozda tri dana i limit 0, traze sve zivo kao za verifikaciju i posaljes sve to i hoces da igras opet 0, i pitam ih kako mislite da okrenem rollover, odgovor je kao u smislu ne morate ga ni okretati mozete povuci novac, u drugoj mi nisu ni dodjelili bonus i sad mi ne daju isplatu, kao cekas 7 dana neko kao pozitivno misljenje o vasem igranju a limit 0, smijesno…
Vidic26Bonus Majstor10. veljače 2017. u 20:49 #163788
7 dana su mi drzali novac, i zalio sam se na sve strane i na kraju mi isplatili, e a od pocetka mi limit bio 9 eur na svaki mec. Smijesno, ja ne znam kako je ikad iko mogao za ovakvu nazovi kladionicu dati pozitivan komentar.
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.