Smarkets – nova burza koeficijenat

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  • #154452

    [quote=”underdog” post=4103][quote=”Milan” post=4101]Provizija na depozit putem Skrilla 2 %, bzvz…..

    Slažem se, ali time valjda kompenziraju nisku komisiju. Inače 2% naplaćuju i na kreditne kartice, a jedina opcija bez provizije su debitne kartice.[/quote]

    Dobra vijest iz Smarketsa
    Od 15.12.2013. – 14.03.2014. nema provizije na uplate putem Skrill/Neteller-a.
    Uz malu likvidnost na neke markete provizija od 2% na uplate im je bila najveća mana.[/quote]

    Nema provizije na uplate/isplate do 14.09.2014. :whistle:

    Even when I lose I'm winning !

  • #159239

    Istrejdali billion funti.

    A Billion Thank You’s

    Hi there,
    If you’ve been with us as a customer for a long time, you’ll probably know that Smarkets has grown by leaps and bounds over the past year and a half. If you’re a new customer, thank you for joining us on this journey. I am writing to you today to share with you a huge milestone in our company’s history. To date, we’ve traded over £1 billion. That £1 billion has been bet on everything from horse racing and football to rugby and even Mr. Farage. It’s a huge accomplishment, and we have you to thank for making this possible.

    When we first began building what would become Smarkets, we believed that punters across the globe were not getting enough value from their bookmakers and exchanges and that the customer experience of betting was subpar. We wanted to change that. Thanks to you and your business, we believe we are making strides towards that change and, ultimately, revolutionising betting across the globe.

    Your business has allowed Smarkets to hire new staff to suppo­rt you better. We’re investing in infrastructure for a reliable, safe experience and to grow our engineering team to expand the exchange product. We are adding more features such as new markets, improved payment services and trading analytics. It allows us to keep our commission at an industry leading 2% of net profits – something no other service provider offers. There’s much more to be done, and loads more to come – on which we’ll be updating you as we progress throughout the year.

    We’re sure that most of you have an idea of what the ultimate betting experience looks like, and we’d like to know more:
    What would help professionals, like some of you, trade at a higher level?
    How would you like your money to be more accessible to you?
    What other markets you’d like to participate in?
    Any suggestion is important. Starting soon, we’ll be rolling out a new line of communication for you to help us make a better, more enjoyable platform, as well as communicate these types of suggestions with us. We want to hear from you, no matter the suggestion or criticism.

    From all of us at Smarkets, we thank you for your loyalty and continued support throughout our early days, today and beyond.


    Founder & CEO

  • #160030

    Istrejdali billion funti.

    A Billion Thank You’s

    Hi there,
    If you’ve been with us as a customer for a long time, you’ll probably know that Smarkets has grown by leaps and bounds over the past year and a half. If you’re a new customer, thank you for joining us on this journey. I am writing to you today to share with you a huge milestone in our company’s history. To date, we’ve traded over £1 billion. That £1 billion has been bet on everything from horse racing and football to rugby and even Mr. Farage. It’s a huge accomplishment, and we have you to thank for making this possible.

    When we first began building what would become Smarkets, we believed that punters across the globe were not getting enough value from their bookmakers and exchanges and that the customer experience of betting was subpar. We wanted to change that. Thanks to you and your business, we believe we are making strides towards that change and, ultimately, revolutionising betting across the globe.

    Your business has allowed Smarkets to hire new staff to suppo­rt you better. We’re investing in infrastructure for a reliable, safe experience and to grow our engineering team to expand the exchange product. We are adding more features such as new markets, improved payment services and trading analytics. It allows us to keep our commission at an industry leading 2% of net profits – something no other service provider offers. There’s much more to be done, and loads more to come – on which we’ll be updating you as we progress throughout the year.

    We’re sure that most of you have an idea of what the ultimate betting experience looks like, and we’d like to know more:
    What would help professionals, like some of you, trade at a higher level?
    How would you like your money to be more accessible to you?
    What other markets you’d like to participate in?
    Any suggestion is important. Starting soon, we’ll be rolling out a new line of communication for you to help us make a better, more enjoyable platform, as well as communicate these types of suggestions with us. We want to hear from you, no matter the suggestion or criticism.

    From all of us at Smarkets, we thank you for your loyalty and continued support throughout our early days, today and beyond.


    Founder & CEO

  • #161326

    Poštovani kolege,

    evo da malo podignemo skoro već pa zaboravljenu temu..tek toliko da nam ne bude dosadno,u ovu prohladnu jesenju večer..

    za početak:

    -ovaj problem još od jučer Skrilla uplatil 27 eur na svoj account na Smarketsu,trebalo mi za jedno kontriranje..sredstva povučena jučer u 15.38 h sa Skrilla,na Smarkets naravno nikad nisu sjela..iako je prošlo više od 24 h,love još nema ni na Skrillu,ni na

    a siguran sam da bu posebno veselo i zanimljivo svima onima koji su lovu uplatili na konjske utrke u Bathu :

    i sad..koju posluku porati,u svezi glede ovih 2 % na Smarketsu,hm???

  • #160742

    Poštovani kolege,

    evo da malo podignemo skoro već pa zaboravljenu temu..tek toliko da nam ne bude dosadno,u ovu prohladnu jesenju večer..

    za početak:

    -ovaj problem još od jučer Skrilla uplatil 27 eur na svoj account na Smarketsu,trebalo mi za jedno kontriranje..sredstva povučena jučer u 15.38 h sa Skrilla,na Smarkets naravno nikad nisu sjela..iako je prošlo više od 24 h,love još nema ni na Skrillu,ni na

    a siguran sam da bu posebno veselo i zanimljivo svima onima koji su lovu uplatili na konjske utrke u Bathu :

    i sad..koju posluku porati,u svezi glede ovih 2 % na Smarketsu,hm???

  • #161332

    Bezveze tu postas to moras s njima rijesit. Imaju chat i otvori chat i pitaj ih di su pare.

  • #160750

    Bezveze tu postas to moras s njima rijesit. Imaju chat i otvori chat i pitaj ih di su pare.

  • #163660

    Novi sam na forumu pa za pocetak pozdrav svima!

    ovo je moj prvi post na ovom forumu, no pratim Vas vec duze vrijeme. Sinoc sam razigravao bonus na 18bet-u (ulog 25e bonus 30e), kontrirao sam na Smarketsu.
    Sinocna utakmica Atletico – Barcelona (2-0). na 18-betu sam ulozio na Atletico a na Smarketsu protiv, obje oklade uplacene i potvrdene, no nakon nekog vremena (tokom utakmice) Smarkets je ponistio moju okladu.
    Bet Cancelled (market halted) – Sell Athletic Club
    Football / Athletic Club vs. Barcelona / Winner

    Pronasao sam objasnjenje na jednom forumu no pošto mi još navedeni izrazi i sami engleski ne idu najbolje molio bih Vas za pomoc.
    Koliko sam razumio postoji logicno objasnjenje no svejedno bi volio provjerit prije nego sto nastavim kontrorirat na istoj burzi.

    Forum :

    Unaprijed Hvala i jos jednom pozdrav svima!
    Hrvatska, Zagreb

  • #165269

    Novi sam na forumu pa za pocetak pozdrav svima!

    ovo je moj prvi post na ovom forumu, no pratim Vas vec duze vrijeme. Sinoc sam razigravao bonus na 18bet-u (ulog 25e bonus 30e), kontrirao sam na Smarketsu.
    Sinocna utakmica Atletico – Barcelona (2-0). na 18-betu sam ulozio na Atletico a na Smarketsu protiv, obje oklade uplacene i potvrdene, no nakon nekog vremena (tokom utakmice) Smarkets je ponistio moju okladu.
    Bet Cancelled (market halted) – Sell Athletic Club
    Football / Athletic Club vs. Barcelona / Winner

    Pronasao sam objasnjenje na jednom forumu no pošto mi još navedeni izrazi i sami engleski ne idu najbolje molio bih Vas za pomoc.
    Koliko sam razumio postoji logicno objasnjenje no svejedno bi volio provjerit prije nego sto nastavim kontrorirat na istoj burzi.

    Forum :

    Unaprijed Hvala i jos jednom pozdrav svima!
    Hrvatska, Zagreb

  • #163662

    Sreca pa su ti ponistili, imas cistu zaradu…Meni obicno ne bude srecno kad mi neko ponisti mec. Desava se to kad je velika razlika u kvotama, tj ocigledna greska mada neke kladionice poniste i kad nisu ocigledne greske. Ja licno ne igram u smarkets pa ne znam da li im je to praksa…

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  • Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.