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  • #145300

    Ako vec niste imate odlicnu ponudu kod njih za sign up bonus

    Uplatis 150 eura na bilo koju kvotu i posle odigranog meca pripisu ti 150 eura
    Dakle cijelih 100% bonusa a za isplatu se moze takodje igrati na bilo koju kvotu za ispunjenje uslova
    Korektni su u komunikaciji,isplata brza,moze MB.
    Malo su komplikovani dok se registrujes i posaljes dokumente a posle je lako
    Ima ih na oddsportalu,kvote odlicne – moze se bez problema zaraditi usput na obrtanju

  • #145308

    A koji je rol za ovaj bonus,nigdje ne vidim uvjete bonusa na njihovoj stranici…

  • #145309

    patrick, hvala na informaciji. ne znam da li si pravio isplatu i uopće igrao tu kladionicu. mi je testiramo već par mjeseci, kolega nije baš imao dobra iskustva. Vlasnici: Spoj albanske i talijanske ekipe

    Nadam se da će kolega naći vremena i napisati svoja iskustva .
    Dok je ne istestiramo ne preporučujem ulazak u nju ako se odlučite nemojte ulaziti sa puno novaca.

    Ako vec niste imate odlicnu ponudu kod njih za sign up bonus

    Uplatis 150 eura na bilo koju kvotu i posle odigranog meca pripisu ti 150 eura
    Dakle cijelih 100% bonusa a za isplatu se moze takodje igrati na bilo koju kvotu za ispunjenje uslova
    Korektni su u komunikaciji,isplata brza,moze MB.
    Malo su komplikovani dok se registrujes i posaljes dokumente a posle je lako
    Ima ih na oddsportalu,kvote odlicne – moze se bez problema zaraditi usput na obrtanju

  • #145319


    Dobili smo isplatu i odlučili staviti bonus uvjete, svi koji budu ušli neka ovdje napišu svoja iskustva. Post od prije sam obrisao tamo je pisalo da su vlasnici albanci i talijani te da je kolega nije imao dobra iskustva i da preporučujemo ulazak sa manje para u starlotto kladionicu. Kolega nije imao dobra iskustva jer je krivo pročitao uvjete, nešto su mu obračunali kao free bet pa se je malo zez…Kad bude imao vremena napisati će o čemu se radilo.
    Btw, prije nekoliko mjeseci na listi zemalja za koje ne vrijedi bonus bila je Hrvatska pa je uklonjena na naš nagovor ako bude sve Ok tražiti ćemo da se makne i Srbija.
    Danas sam se čuo za ženskom koja radi za starlottosport, komunikacija je ipak odlična te se nadam da ekipa sa Bonusmajstora neće imati problema a ako ih sl. bude riješiti ćemo i to.

    Evo uvjeta:

    Open an account today and receive a bonus equal to 100% of the first payment.

    Being eligible is very easy:

    Open an account and make your first deposit of at least € 20 and you will be entitled to a bonus of 100% *.

    To receive the bonus you must wager the entire amount of your first deposit and wait till the events (tickets) are closed.

    To withdraw the bonus you must add the amount of your first deposit to your winning amount and wager the total amount for five times in the “sport” section.

    You can transfer the winnings to your wallet and decide whether to withdraw or continue to enjoy your luck!


    • Each player account holder must be at least 18 years or, in the case of Estonia at least 21 years of age;

    • Residents in the United States cannot register a player account with Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd.;

    • RGS players undertake to abide by these terms and conditions at any time, and confirm that:

    1. The ‘minimum amount of payment is € 20 *.

    2. The ‘maximum bonus achievable is equal to € 150 *.

    3. They send a copy of ID Card or Passport

    4. To get the bonus you must wager the full first-deposit

    5. If the wagering requirements for this bonus have not been met by the end of the campaign, any amount on the bonus balance will be reset.

    6 .The offer expires at 23:59 hours (Amsterdam) on December 31, 2012

    7. The clients residing in the following countries cannot take advantage of this offer: Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Vietnam, Belarus, Serbia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Latvia Slovenia, Georgia, Moldova, Macedonia, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, China, Taiwan.

    8. The players can join a bonus campaign at a time. Before you can participate, the current active bonus has to be completed or closed.

    9. Pre-existing account holders are not entitled to the offer.

    10. The receipt and use of promotional bonuses and / or bonus from the client usually entail compliance with the limits on taking the same bonus from the GA**, in fact, before cashing out by any means offered by the system gaming account of Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd., it is necessary to check the minimum wagering required in the sports section ( you must add the amount of your first deposit to the bonus amount you received and wager the total amount for five times).

    11. Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd. reserves the right to refuse or cancel the payment of any bonus for any reason.

    12. All fees and costs related to any prizes awarded shall be borne by the user. Prizes may not be transferred, substituted or compensated with other prizes.

    13. Employees, officers and directors of Remote Gaming Solutions LTD, its partners in the promotion or other agencies, licensees and licensees, partners, affiliates, service providers and any other associated or affiliated companies are not allowed to participate in any bonus offer. The same conditions will apply to immediate relatives of such persons.

    14. Should the customer make consecutive operations of deposit and withdrawal or implement strategies to circumvent the regulation on bonuses, Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd. reserves the right to cancel bets and close the GA**.

    15. If it appears that the customer participates in strategies considered unfair by Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd., Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd. reserves the right to close the GA** of the customer and cancel all bonuses and play. Any loss incurred in an attempt to make an abuse of a bonus is considered non-refundable. In cases where the GA** is closed due to abuse, Remote Gaming Solutions Ltd. reserves the right, at its discretion, the right to deduct a fee equal to 25% of the amount deposited to cover the costs of investigation and administration.

    16. The bets played with the bonus amount will be accredited without the initial bonus amount.

  • #145320

    Sačekati ću još malo

  • #145328

    Ja sam vec igrao na 2-3 naloga,razlicita naravno.
    Max.bonus uredno isplate nakon 24h
    Nema minimalne kvote,tj.bonus doznace cim zavrsi odigrana vrijednost depozita.
    Fazon je da im treba poslati kopije dokumenata odmah posle registracije jer bez toga ne mozes uplatiti pocetni depozit.
    Sve ostalo je ok,mogu se naci extra kvote kod njih

  • #145329

    Ovaj bonus mi izgleda fenomenalno,stvarno dobro zvuči ovako na “prvu2 samo se bojim nas balkanaca,kad sad raja napadne…..hehe

  • #145334

    Zanimljiv bonus,..Koliko vidim nema ni minimalnog koeficijenta jedino mi malo cudno ovo 16. pravilo

    16. The bets played with the bonus amount will be accredited without the initial bonus amount.

    Sto bi im to trebalo znaciti?

  • #145357

    Ja sam ovaj bonus odigrao prije par mjeseci i moram priznati da nisam bio baš najzadovoljniji.
    Kao i obično ono što predobro izgleda na kraju i nije tako dobro, a problem je upravo u ovoj točki 16 koja znači da bonus nije u stvari bonus nego free bet.
    Bonus stvarno pripišu nakon što se odigra iznos prve uplate i nakon verifikacije, ali ako se uplati oklada s bonusom u slučaju dobitka oklade dobiti češ samo iznos dobitka.
    Daljnji problem je što se taj dobitak pripisuje na bonus saldo, a kada uplaćuješ okladu s bonus salda opet ti se u slučaju dobitka pripisuje samo iznos dobitka, bez uloga.
    U principu bonus je isplativ prije svega ako se izgubi,a u slučaju dobitka mogući su veliki problemi, kao što sam ih i ja imao.

    U svakom slučaju preporučio bi da se bonus oklada uplati na neki viši koeficijent s namjerom da se izgubi oklada i s vrlo visokim underlayem.

    Zanimljiv bonus,..Koliko vidim nema ni minimalnog koeficijenta jedino mi malo cudno ovo 16. pravilo

    16. The bets played with the bonus amount will be accredited without the initial bonus amount.

    Sto bi im to trebalo znaciti?

  • #145380

    I ja sam igrao kolega ali nisam imao problema te prirode.
    Istina da ti novac bude na bonus balansu ali nije freebet nego cista lova.
    Odigrao sam 10-ak opklada sa bonus balansa i nikad mi nisu uzeli ulog.
    Na kraju sam isplatio nekih 900,pare legnu ujutru

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