Bonus Majstori » Forum » Casino i ostalo » William Hill – Ponuda bez rizika u Vegasu
Administrator26. siječnja 2012. u 14:38 #143331Uplatite 5£ ili 5€ danas, 26.01.2012. na bilo koju igru William Hill Vegasu najkasnije do 01.00 po našem vremenu i ako ostvarite dobitak zadržite, a ako izgubite dobiti ćete povrat.
Da bi sudjelovali u igri morate imati otvoren račun u William Hillu i prijaviti se za povrat na stranici promocije.
Link na stranicu promocije možete naći s desne strane na početnoj stranici William Hill kladionice.
Preporuka: Stavite 5€ na neku od opcija u Ruletu (crveno/crno, par/nepar itd) i ako prođe imate 5€, ako ne sačekajte povrat.
5 minuta posla 🙂Uvjeti ponude
- The Risk Free Fiver promotion will run on 26 January 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
- This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Thursday 26 January – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Thursday 26 January 2012 at William Hill Vegas.
- Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings up to £5.
- A minimum of £1 will be awarded during any promotional period. Any amounts less than £1 will not qualify for bonus credit.
- Risk Free payments will be made within 48 hours of the promotion ending.
- All payments will be made into your William Hill Account subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
- Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply
Administrator27. siječnja 2012. u 13:20 #14333210€ BEZ RIZIKA NA VEGAS SLOTOVE 27.01 – 05.02.2012.
Nova ponuda u William Hill Vegasu. Uplatite 10€ na vaš William Hill račun, te ih uložite na bilo koji Vegas slot. Ako vam se kolutovi poklope nosite novac kući, a ako nemate sreće dobiti ćete novac nazad.
Obavezno najprije uplatite novac, ne vrijedi ako igrate s postojećim saldom. Također, obavezno kliknuti Claim Now na stranici promocije. Link je na naslovnici s desne strane.Uvjeti ponude
- The £10 Risk Free promotion will run between 27 January and 5 February 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
- This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Friday 27 January 2012 – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Sunday 5 February 2012 on Slots at William Hill Vegas.
- No wager £10 requirement.
- Players must make a deposit.
- The £10 Risk Free bonus is limited to one claim per account and will only be issued once per person, family, household, address (postal or IP), email address, any environment where computers are shared (eg schools, workplaces, public libraries etc), computer (or other access device), and/or account during the promotional period.
- A minimum of £1 will be awarded during any promotional period. Any amounts less than £1 will not qualify for bonus credit.
- Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings in one day on Vegas Slot games up to £10.
- Risk Free payments will be made within 48 hours of qulaification.
- All payments will be made into your William Hill Account subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
- Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply
Bonus Majstor30. siječnja 2012. u 21:52 #143340Vidim da i vi igrate ove besplatne igrice na Williamhillu. Ja sam neki dan uplatio 5 eura na vegas kada je bila ona promocija za dan australije i naravno izgubio. Provjerio sam jos jucer, ali niti danas mi jos nisu uplatili lovu natrag. Jel imas neko da isto nije dobio i zna li neko sta se događa. Šta da radim da mi uplate lovu natrag?
Bonus Majstor30. siječnja 2012. u 22:02 #143341Bok Siera!
Imaš dvije opcije:
prva je da im pošalješ upit preko email forme na vegas stranici a druga je da ih kontaktiraš putem live chata. To se zna dešavati, inače vraćaju novac redovite a kad ne vrate potrebno ih je kontakirati pa vrate jako brzo. Vodi računa da će te na live chatu pitati datum rođenja i odgovor na tajno pitanje. P na live chatu čeka u redu čeka se kratko, ponekad se u jutarnjim satima zna čekati malo duže.
Ja sam ih već x puta kontakirao i uvijek su mi uplatili povrat, par puta mi se desilo da mi čak vrate dupolo jer sam dugo čekao…Vidim da i vi igrate ove besplatne igrice na Williamhillu. Ja sam neki dan uplatio 5 eura na vegas kada je bila ona promocija za dan australije i naravno izgubio. Provjerio sam jos jucer, ali niti danas mi jos nisu uplatili lovu natrag. Jel imas neko da isto nije dobio i zna li neko sta se događa. Šta da radim da mi uplate lovu natrag?
Bonus Majstor30. siječnja 2012. u 23:20 #143342hvala na brzom odgovoru. Idem ih kontaktirati odmah, bilo bi dobro da mi uplate duplo!
Bonus Majstor11. veljače 2012. u 20:36 #143428Opet William Hill i njegove pre j….. nagrade 🙂
Pažnja – vrijedi samo danas 11.02. do pola noći
Na naslovnoj strani 5€ Risk free na vegas igrama
Here’s something you just can’t lose – collect a Risk Free Fiver when you play at Vegas today! All you have to do to collect is play through £5 on any Vegas games – if your fiver doesn’t make you a winner, you’ll get it back!
Click CLAIM NOW to opt-in and play your Risk Free Fiver before midnight tonight Saturday 11th February for the chance to walk away with a big win.
Claim Now
The Risk Free Fiver promotion will run on Saturday 11 February 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Saturday 11 February 2012 at William Hill Vegas.Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings up to £5.
A minimum of £1 will be awarded during any promotional period. Any amounts less than £1 will not qualify for bonus credit.
Risk Free payments will be made within 48 hours of the promotion ending.
All payments will be made into your William Hill Account subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply -
Bonus Majstor18. veljače 2012. u 12:11 #1434845€ bez rizika u vegasu :silly: :silly: – bilo koja vegas igra! Reklama je na prvoj stranici william hilla s desne strane “5 Risk free fiver” vrijedi do Nedjelje 19.02.2012 – 00h
Collect a Risk Free Fiver when you play at Vegas this weekend! All you have to do to collect is play through £5 on any Vegas games – if your fiver doesn’t make you a winner, you’ll get it back. You just can’t lose!
Click CLAIM NOW to opt-in and play your Risk Free Fiver before midnight Sunday 19th February for the chance to walk away with a big win.
- The Risk Free Fiver promotion will run between 18 and 19 February 2012 (the “Promotion Period”).
- This only includes customers who have clicked the Claim Now button on this promotion page and placed bets between 00:00:01 hrs (UK) Saturday 18 February – 23:59:59 hrs (UK) Sunday 19 February 2012 at William Hill Vegas.
- Your refunded money will be calculated as losses incurred less your winnings up to £5.
- A minimum of £1 will be awarded during any promotional period. Any amounts less than £1 will not qualify for bonus credit.
- Risk Free payments will be made within 48 hours of the promotion ending.
- All payments will be made into your William Hill Account subject (where relevant) to all necessary account opening formalities being completed.
- Full Terms and Conditions of the William Hill website apply
Bonus Majstor21. veljače 2012. u 15:05 #143491uehhaaa
Opet 5tica na Vegasu william hilla, promo traje samo danas 21. do pola noći. Baner je na prvoj strani s desne strane
Play Vegas games Risk Free with a 100% Money Back offer!
Just stake up to £5 on any Vegas games before midnight tonight, Tuesday 21st February; if you don’t walk away a winner, you’ll get 100% of your losses back up to £5!
Click CLAIM NOW to opt-in and then start playing risk free.
Administrator2. ožujka 2012. u 23:06 #143539Imate još par sati da odigrate 5€ na Vegasu danas 02.03.2012.
Link na naslovnici s desne strane. -
Administrator2. ožujka 2012. u 23:06 #143565Imate još par sati da odigrate 5€ na Vegasu danas 02.03.2012.
Link na naslovnici s desne strane.
- Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.